Relative Path (links point to my C...

User 2177062 Photo

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5 posts

OK, I spent time searching for an answer to my questions, but nothing yet.

Here is my issue. I am trying out this new editor. I have created a new project in CoffeeCup (CC), I have a good connection cause I can browse all my files on the server. When I open a file that contains images, all the images are pointing to my local drive instead of to my site. ex: file:///D:/images/extranet/big-header-test.jpg.

I am using relative path here, and I don't know how to make this work in CC. Also none of my CSS styles seem to be applying the styles for the same reason I guess.

There is something wrong with my project setup. I did not downloaded any files to my local drive. I am just opening files on the fly from my server to see how it renders in the Preview tab, and they get store on a local folder.


User 122279 Photo

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Assuming you are talking about the CC HTML Editor here.

The problem with image paths pointing to a location on your own computer usually comes from inserting the images BEFORE saving the html file.

Under Tools - Preferences - Folder tab you'll find the option to get a warning if the images are not in your 'working' folder. It could be helpful to have that option checked.

What many users do is to create a folder for each project, with an 'images' folder inside it, and then as soon as you have decided what images you want to use, copy them over into that folder. You could do similar with a css folder, a js folder etc.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 2177062 Photo

Trial User
5 posts

Hello Inger,

Thanks for trying to respond to my question, but I believe you misread my question. I am not inserting images or nothing. I just installed this CC software, (this is the forum for question about the product), and I opened one of the files from the server to see what I get. Well, the main question for me is here:

When you install CC, do you need to also download all your web-site on your local PC so this way all images and CSS point to right place, which I don't think so?

Do I need go to my file and remove the image link from the html editor and insert them back, as you suggested, in order seeing the images?

I just want to open a file from my web-site tab, not my local disk tab, and when I switch to preview see the file as I was looking it in IE. Is that a normal procedure to do or not in CC?


User 38401 Photo

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Yes download the site to your computer, create a Website Project surrounding that site on your computer. Fill in the pertinent details in the Website Project settings for the uploading and downloading from right within the HTML Editor.

Once you download all the files (make sure to include any and all image locations and preserve how it's setup on the server so the server and your computer local files have the same tree structure). In other words, don't move anything around, leave it setup the same way as it is on the server.
This will remedy the fact of not being able to see the images etc as now the files will be pointing to the right place.

To answer your last question, I would sincerely suggest that you download the files, work on them on your computer (make a complete backup first so that you can always go back). And backup the pages periodically when you're making a lot of changes in case something happens as you're editing.
Keep in mind that when you edit remotely you are losing any and all possibilities of returning any code back to it's original code unless you make copies of those pages remotely first. Gets messing on the server when you do the copies there instead of locally.

Hope that answers your questions.

User 2177062 Photo

Trial User
5 posts

Hi Jo Ann and thanks for responding. It sure does answer my question, and I was afraid that all boils down to download all the files to my local. There are hundreds of pictures and pdf files that the site doesn't use anymore, I guess I don't need to download those at least.

I'll give it a try and see what I get Jo Ann. Thanks to Inger too!

I have a concern of what you said Jo Ann about "from right within the HTML Editor". I will not worry about that right now because CC seems very easy to set up a project and connect to the server.

User 2177062 Photo

Trial User
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OK Jo Ann,

We had a back-up copy on one of our local servers, so I didn't need to download the files from our server, good! :)

The problem now, this site is build using Coldfusion server, so there is bunch of Coldfusion tag around. When I open one file that contains this tags and I click the Visual Editor tab, and save & continue, the next time I click the Code Editor tab, the file looses all the Coldfusion tags. This can not happen :(. You see, I am looking for a software editor for one person that usually updates the information from the site, and she is good with HTML, but she prefers a software that can use a Visual Editor, similar to MS FrontPage, to type and style the page the way she wants.

Is CC a good software for this task?


User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

Hiya David,

Unfortunately the HTML Editor will not be your software of choice if you need to be able to use both the Code and Visual editors together. These do not play well on the HTML Editor at all and you need to choose one or the other and stick with it. There are lots of warnings and articles about this all over the site here at CC as well as warnings when you change to that tab to tell you about it too.

If you're able to use one or the other then you should be fine, but you'll all need to use the same one if you have more than 1 set of fingers in the pot so to speak.

I come from a Dreamweaver background so I feel your pain about the ability to use both code and visual editors together, but unfortunately for us the HTML Editor is not capable of doing this feature and swapping between the code and visual tabs will mess up your pages code in the end so don't do it at all. Make a choice and stick with it, code or visual, not both. Only other thing you can do is find a different editor to use instead of the HTML Editor if you need both ways of editing.

P.S. As for the "right from within the HTML Editor" comment, that was referring to the upload/download setup. It's very very easy to upload and download files you edit right inside the program instead of always having to utilize an external FTP program. From the Remote servers tab you can highlight a file or entire folder and download it. From the local side in your project you can do the same for uploading. Just have to make sure the FTP settings of your Website Project for your site is setup correctly and you're all set for uploading and downloading while editing. Makes it really easy to be able to check something if you need to see it online right away :)
User 2177062 Photo

Trial User
5 posts

Thanks again for your response. I guess this post is closed.


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