Floating Windows all programs not...

User 3059479 Photo

Registered User
1 post

Floating program windows (on Win11 + laptop) will not resize. The default FLOAT sizes are WAY TOO wide and slide off the screen when moved but both mouse actions (arrows) and using window menu option (top-bar right hand side cross icon) do nothing. Actually the latter cannot be used cause one has to hold down mouse to move to the hidden limit and option disappears.

Any help with this will be appreciated.

I often prefer to work with multi floating windows.
Regards, Ron.
User 379556 Photo

Registered User
1,550 posts

If the program window is full screen, I would start by the keyboard shortcut Alt+Space and then R (to Restore to not full screen).

When the program window is not full screen, the keyboard shortcut Alt+Space and then S (Size) may make the wanted size available using the mouse.


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