Safe Browsing Urgent Message - Post...

User 2436509 Photo

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2 posts

I'm using version 2.1 build 312 and I seem to be getting the safe browsing message on all websites I check.

When I got it on my own site I contacted my host and they've run scans and said they can't find anything. I then decided to try different URL's and all have come back with the exact same error. My old company website is one that I know is on its own VPN and it got the error as well.

Lastly, I tried and it also got the error.

Could this just be a bug or are we all suspicious to Google?
User 122279 Photo

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Since the CC staffers don't come to the forums very often, I think it would be wise to open a support ticket about this.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

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User 2436509 Photo

Registered User
2 posts

Inger wrote:
Since the CC staffers don't come to the forums very often, I think it would be wise to open a support ticket about this.

Ok, thanks Inger, I'll contact them now.

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