PDF report - Post ID 271111
Hello, I like Websight Insight. I am working with other webdesigners on projects for customers. So I need a SEO-report which I can send to my co-workers or the client. I do not see if Website Insight is only reporting on my PC or if it is possible to make a pdf report to send to others.
Hi Nico,
Website Insight doesn't create a PDF report but you can Generate a Report which will export the report to a folder containing a HTML file and resource folders. You can send those files or upload them to your server and send your client and co-workers a link to the .html file. You could also use other software to convert the HTML to PDF.
Website Insight doesn't create a PDF report but you can Generate a Report which will export the report to a folder containing a HTML file and resource folders. You can send those files or upload them to your server and send your client and co-workers a link to the .html file. You could also use other software to convert the HTML to PDF.
Thanks jamo, that will work for me.
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