I want to ask the form-filler to list individual members of a group and an activity they are interested in from a list. I thought I would just put a text box and ask the operator to put one person and activity suggestion per line. But, in preview mode at least, when I hit return it takes me back to the beginning of the form. Is there a way to have the operator fill in one name and activity per line (with paragraph breaks, I assume) so that I can receive those names in a group?
I don't believe there is a way to do this outright, but one way would be to create separate text field (not box) for each person and put conditionals in so that X number of boxes show up depending on a previous field where they can choose how many members they will be entering via radio buttons. It would go something like this:
How many members will you be submitting?
O 1-5 O 6-10 O 11-15
If they choose the first radio button choice then have it show 5 text fields for member entries, if they choose the 2nd then have it show 10 text fields and so on. Be sure to label your fields accordingly so you know which actual parent field they belong to so I would suggest something like this for the text fields:
and so on
Then call the original question that asks them how many something like:
Tie them all together with conditionals and that should work pretty slick.