Suggestions for CoffeeCup HTML Web...

User 140444 Photo

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I was excited to see the use of reCAPTCHA added to the new web form builder, but I am afraid that it may not be exactly what I need in some cases. Here's why:
1) The smallest width you can have with reCAPTCHA is 319px wide using the Red, White or Black Glass option.
2) The smallest width you can have with the "clean" reCAPTCHA theme is 454px wide.

Some of my forms are smaller than 319px wide...just by the design of the site I would be working with.

This may have been covered before, but here is a link as to how to customize reCAPTCHA with your form: … ation.html

Is there possibly another option like the one with Web Form builder classic whereas it was a smaller captcha image?

User 464893 Photo

1,611 posts

I have one wish. Could a background image be given handles to adjust to suit the form. It would be much easier than fiddling with controls.

Otherwise It is now one fantastic program. Include payment options and it will be the best of the best. It would take me hours to create a form this program creates in minutes.
So from doubtful to enthusiastic I am most pleased.
The Guy from OZ

User 131275 Photo

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Enter in textarea comment. Using the enterkey in the comment field aligns the message different in the recived email. It seems to move with the enter. See attached image.
Fields are: Name ( the form is dutch so called Naam) , Telefoonnummer, Emailadres and the textarea Comments which is here Bericht.
There was an enter after the first textline and after the text "Mvg". As shown in the message "Bericht" is shown in the middle. Not a big problem, but i just want to mention it.
User 126492 Photo

1,524 posts

What are the chances at being able to set a Number field to a given number of decimal places?

Why you may ask.

Have used the new Form Builder to save submitted info to a sql database, and one of the inputs is a 2 decimal place number, but when I get the email the number is a whole number.

Also, when I pull the info from the database into an html page the decimal number is also a whole number.

I did go into my phpmyadmin and noticed the field was set as a (int) value, I change this to a Float and width 8,2 but the output data on the webpage is still a whole number. I also tried setting the field to Decimal and width 8,2 and again the output is a whole number after submitting a new form.

This problem could crop up again and again.

*** DONE *** Regular Expressions have been added to accomplish this and much more
User 131275 Photo

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Mayby an usefull option, although it can be integrating it in the program isn't easy or even not possible.
Some people mayby know Visual Lightbox. It's a program to makes a photogallery, just like formbuilder it creats it's own html page. But it also has an option to place it in an excisting page. The program opens that page and you select an area in the page where you want it to show up.
User 2303124 Photo

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Is it possible to issue a unique code to a user submitting a form.

I am creating a returns from and need to generate a a number that the customer can add to the package so we can track it as it comes into the office/warehouse.

adding details to an SQL database (using an internal form, ) as it get processed at each stage and what we did to repair the product or if it was a replacement etc.

I also have another use where a form is designed to issue out Registrations codes that we buy in blocks or 50. They are random numbers (to us) but are specific to each customer as each one can only be used once. They are then used my the customer to register a product.

So two uses totally different but very similar in other ways.

Any suggestions gratefully received.
User 460351 Photo

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Hi, I would like to put in my votes for the following enhancements to Web Form Builder:

1) Formatted phone numbers (US only for now since it's easy - International when you get to it)
2) Supply a change log with new versions so we know what got fixed or changed
3) Reset or Clear Form button (I understand you don't like this, but we should have the option)
4) Time field (either a drop down or digital entry) for things like scheduling/events/etc.
5) Decimal formatting in a number field (maybe even negatives in a different color)
6) Formatted zip codes (US 5 digit and/or plus 4)
7) Drop down populated with 2 letter State codes (FL, NY, CA, etc.)
8) Expand the form depending on selections

Thank you very much!

User 2303124 Photo

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I am guessing this is not already possible as I cant see how to do it but. IT would be useful to alter who the data in the form was sent to purely by entering a name from a radio list or drop down list.

That way it can be used to send a group of people messages that only relate to them. Chosen by the form submitter.
User 103173 Photo

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Andy Taylor wrote:
I am guessing this is not already possible as I cant see how to do it but. IT would be useful to alter who the data in the form was sent to purely by entering a name from a radio list or drop down list.

That way it can be used to send a group of people messages that only relate to them. Chosen by the form submitter.

Hey Andy

This is actually a feature we have on the road map to include. I can't say exactly when it will appear, but it is something that we will definitely get in there.
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User 11067 Photo

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A feature I'd like to see:

Both versions of WebForm allow you to save data into a MySQL database.

I'd like to see an easy way to get the data OUT of the database.
Query writing software or some such.

In addition, instead of writing option-lists for lists that may exist in a MySQL table, the ability to use the table data in a form. Or odbc connectivity.

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