Radio buttons and text field in the...

User 478970 Photo

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2 posts

Hi! I'm adding a set of radio buttons with suggested donation amounts to a form, and I also want to include an "Other" option where someone can input their own amount.

Can't seem to be able to do this with the same element, any idea if this is something that can be done at the moment with the Form Builder?

User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

I must have totally missed your post Dud, I'll try this afternoon unless someone posts and already knows this answer. Sorry it was missed, I'm assuming that I'm not the only one that missed this post. I'm also going to assume that this answer is probably no, but lets wait and see what the powers say :)
User 69715 Photo

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30 posts

Hello, All! -

I'm also trying to achieve the same thing as Dud so wondered if anyone has come up with a solution since his initial post - almost a year ago?!

User 187934 Photo

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20,195 posts

Why does it have to be the same element? Add a number or text element to the form and have it positioned next to the radio buttons.:)
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

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User 69715 Photo

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30 posts

Hi, Eric -

Thanks for your input.

I want to set up a donation form (like Dud above) with a number of preset monetary values. However, I also want to give people the option of entering their own value into a textbox. (This is common practise on such forms.)

My understanding is that the radio options and the textbox should be part of the same element otherise (potentially) you'd have to handle two different values.


User 2210454 Photo

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231 posts

You could use the new conditional rules to do that? When they click other, a box appears in which they can enter the amount in :D:cool:
“If what you’re doing is not your passion, you have nothing to lose.”
User 69715 Photo

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30 posts

Hi, Simon -

Yes, you're right - but that doesn't overcome the problem I outlined above. It would require two separate elements - with two separate values - so you would need to employ some sort of switch in the code.

I'm sure this can be programmed manually - but the point is I want FB to do it for me automatically!

User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Hiya Antar,

What Simon is saying is that it can now be done with the new version of the FB that was just released a few days ago. It has built in conditionals now so what you would do is this:

Create a Radio button or Checkbox element or Dropdown etc. of your choice with all the choices on it including "Other (Box will pop out for your donation amount input)" or some wording to that sort.

Then create another element that is a text box for someone to type in. Give it the name of Other Donation or whatever you want to call it.

Now in that exact text box element you'll see at the bottom of the settings for it that it allows you to tell it when to display. Give it the settings that tie it to the above Radio/checkbox/dropdown element that you created and tell it to only display when the Other option is chosen.

Now when someone chooses the Other option, it will then pop out that nice little box for them to input their own amount! How cool is that?! Hope that helps :)
User 69715 Photo

Registered User
30 posts

Hi, Jo Ann -

Thanks for the note - but I don't think you read my response to Simon correctly!

I fully understand the concept (of having a conditional pop-out box) I just don't see how it helps.

element1 - radio buttons

element 2 - textbox

So, which value is passed to PayPal?



User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Hmm, I see what you mean there, I guess I didn't realize it was for monetary stuff, missed that.

What if you created 2 different forms?

Make a link to the form instead of just placing the form on a page that is normally accessible? Call it something like:

I want to make a standard Donation

I want to input my own donation amount

Link those to the 2 different forms?

Might not be the perfect idea, but you could easily do that I think. Or some semblance of it at least.

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