Web Calendar page is left-justified

User 404083 Photo

Registered User
4 posts

I run Dreamweaver CS6, and just started using your Web Calendar. The calendar displays fine, but my screen, which is centered (normally) shows up as completely left-justified. Look at any of the other pages on http://www.ricospublichouse.com/calendar1.html

Bo Ossinger
User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

First thing I would tell you to do is to get crackin' and learn how to make a site in the current standards as using a table for layout is over 5 years old with CSS having been the updated way to layout a site for quite some time now. Granted, it will work, but it's not the most optimal way to do it and it's very limited on what you can do with a site when you use tables.

You have a handful of extra tags rolling around your pages as well. I would suggest running it through a validator and cleaning it up a little and then see if that helps any as well. I would definitely get into the more current style of web design though, you're missing out on a lot of features and so are your visitors and a good handful of the things on your pages have been deprecated for quite some time already.
User 404083 Photo

Registered User
4 posts

I ask for help and get told to completely redesign my website. I did run my code through the W3C CSS Validator, and it didn't seem to think it was that bad. So I'll try again:

Help, anyone?
Bo Ossinger
User 2088758 Photo

Senior Advisor
3,101 posts

Hi Bo,

My guess would be is there is some css conflict between your website and the Web Calendar. Since you built your website using tables and the web calendar is based off tables I am guessing that the conflict would reside there. I would consider what Jo Ann has suggested above as building websites using tables is not best practice.

That being said, I would not change any css in the Calendar or you will have one heck of a mess. What you might want to try doing if you are set on keeping your website as is, is to name your table then set the styling to it separately.
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User 187934 Photo

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20,226 posts

I see the problem but I really think you need to switch to more modern code for your layout. Html tables are still fine for tubular data but for main web pages it's not SEO friendly.
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This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)

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