Suggestions for CoffeeCup Web...

User 126242 Photo

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2 posts

I have a small camping resort and would like to see: 1. An option to add the American/Canadian holidays.
2. The event name should be multi line allowing for the complete event to be shown on the calendar date. On mouse over would be the complete description. 3. As above, font size change within the software, not the code. 4. Some basic color changes from within the software, not within the code. This would make it easier to fit the calendar color scheme into a website theme
User 2215293 Photo

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After purchasing the latest Web Calendar (5.1) here are a few things I'd like to see in a new version (in addition to most of the items already mentioned).

1) A "browse" function in the add event, add image or add link section (like used in the HTML editor). This would be much easier than trying to remember or look up the exact file path.

2) The ability to add icons to the main calendar page, not just in the pop-up box.

3) A way to adjust size of date box on monthly calendar - the current square shape is not always the most suitable. Would be nice to be able to make it wider but not as high.

4) The ability to add pre-made lists of holidays, etc. (something like the "list" option in form builder)

5) S-drive compatible so I don't have to switch over to FTP program to upload calendar.

I realize that some of the above items can be adjusted using HTML/CSS, but would make the program much more user friendly if it wasn't necessary to to that. :)

Well, having said all that, it does look like a pretty nifty program... and looking forward to it getting even better!

Cards Handwritten and mailed for you.
User 428741 Photo

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Your Web Calendar does rock but ... I need the Italian language/date and time format to use it on my websites. Please consider this request.
User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

Hiya Paolo,

Could you give more detail on your request please? The CC team may not know what the information for Italian is. Give information that would show what that time setup would be.
User 2359327 Photo

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Arthur Melvin has the idea that I would like to see implemented. I have a jpeg that shows the recurrence pattern from Outlook 2010. Much needed. I can't export an iCal file as Web Calendar ignores features it doesn't have.

I do like the simplicity of it though. My site is

Where I'm using the calendar is I just got web calendar yesterday so....
Michael: Linda's husband
User 2108985 Photo

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47 posts

Repeating Events

This weekend I've bought the new Web Calender and tried some things out.
It looks very nice and is very userfriendly but on one point of view I certainly agree with Arthur Melvin and Linda's Husband.

I have a big problem with repeating events.
Much more often I need an event planned on a first, second, third or fourth weekday of a month then on a certain day of the month because same date of a month (March 1, April 1, May 1) is not always the same weekday (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, ...).
So I would like to be able planning our meetings ekz. 'every two months on the first Wednesday of the month' or 'every month on the second Thursday' aso.
User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

Although I would agree with you guys 100% plus for the recurring events, just a little known thing you can do until they do this is to copy and paste the event from one day to the next.

It's extremely simple, just find the event you want to copy, single click it right on the month page to make the text look highlighted and either right click and copy or hit the key combo of Ctrl + C then click the day you want it on and paste it with right click paste or the key combo of Ctrl + V.

You can easily copy single dates this way and you can even copy events that run multiple days so if you have things that run once a week or month just copy the event to the next date you want it on.

Granted that's not the most optimal fix, but it will keep you from having to redo each recurring event separately :)
User 428741 Photo

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2 posts

Jo Ann wrote:
Hiya Paolo,

Could you give more detail on your request please? The CC team may not know what the information for Italian is. Give information that would show what that time setup would be.

Hi Jo Ann, thanks for your interest.

1) all months / week days should be translated (January = Gennaio, ...; Monday = Lunedì etc.);
2) the week should start on Monday, not on Sunday;
3) the date format should be: day/month (e.g. 28/02);
4) the time format should be 24 hours, not am/pm (e.g. 14:30 instead of 2:30 pm).

Kind regards,

User 122279 Photo

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14,579 posts

Rosalind Cowie wrote:
How about an option to change the date to day/month/year.

You can do this if you open 'Calendar' on the main toolbar, then 'Options'. There you will see a button for date format.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
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User 122279 Photo

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14,579 posts

Paolo Della Bianca wrote:

1) all months / week days should be translated (January = Gennaio, ...; Monday = Lunedì etc.);
2) the week should start on Monday, not on Sunday;
3) the date format should be: day/month (e.g. 28/02);
4) the time format should be 24 hours, not am/pm (e.g. 14:30 instead of 2:30 pm).

Hi Paolo,

Follow the same route as the one I gave to Rosalind above here. You can set the date format, the start day and translate the months and days. Unfortunately you can't change the clock settings, but hopefully we will get that into some update soon.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

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