Multiple web calendars - Post ID 216880

User 2590114 Photo

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I have created a calendar for one website that has multiple events - (Select calendar from the menu.) The calendar does everything it is intended to. The issue I have is the same as other users on the forum; how does one save and recall different calendars for different sites? Is there a way to save multiple calendars in different folders?
User 187934 Photo

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File Save ICS and Name them different names.
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User 2147626 Photo

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Yes, you may create as many (I think) calendars as you would like. Just open Web Calendar and look at the bottom right of the window. Should see Add and Remove under the 'My Calendars' column. Just click the 'Add' button to create a new Calendar. In that 'My Calendars' column you will see your new calendar and a check box. When working with a particular calendar just make sure it is 'checked' and the others are not.
If you need more help, just let us know... :cool:

Edit: Beat again. I'm going for Red Bull ...:lol:
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User 2590114 Photo

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Thanks for the prompt reply.
I have saved the file as suggested, but the file can only be opened in Outlook - not in the Web Calendar program. Is there a way to recall a paticular saved calendar using the program?
If that isn't possible, am I able to have two, or more web calendar programs operating on the same desktop, or in different (and relevant) folders? Perhaps, in this way, each individual calendar would be saved accordingly.
The Add/Remove button appears to insert additional event colours only.
I understand that a calendar is saved using a specific name, but when the program is restarted, only the latest calendar is recalled. I'm unable to find any reference to any other calendar.
User 187934 Photo

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After you save as ICS you should be able to browse back to it when you click open ICS.
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User 2590114 Photo

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That's correct, but it uses Outlook as the default system. I can't figure out how to re-open the saved calendar with the CoffeeCup program. I have tried to open it with another program, but Web Calendar is not included in the other options. Is there some way I can include the Web Calendar program in the options?
Sorry, but I'm still at a loss.
User 187934 Photo

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Open the Web Calender, then at the top left click "File" then "Open ICS". If it still doesn't open your going to need to change a default setting for the icon type.
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User 2590114 Photo

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I fixed it:)

For future reference, I right-clicked the ics. file, clicked Browse, Desktop, then CCcalendar.exe. I then made the Web Calendar the default program. Success.

Once agian, many thalks for your guidance.
User 187934 Photo

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Gotta love those defaults.:lol: Glad your up and running. Have fun with your new discovery.
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