This calendar would be ideal for me except for the fact that it does not allow an admin panel for each of my clients to be able to do their own entries for their individual calendar on their website. If it would be able to charge me a lot and I'd buy it!!! Other than this, I really like this software! Is there any chance of this being added in the future?
Probably not. But you never know. Last release was October 2012. While CC is constantly updating it's various programs, and everything is going responsive, it may update the Web Calendar but I haven't heard anything yet.

Graphics for the web, email, blogs and more!
Never say "never," but I suspect that issues of workflow control and rights of access are not things that Coffee Cup will tackle. IMHO, Coffee Cup has been about streamlining and simplifying client-side site visual design.
Look to content management systems for workflow and rights functionality in general. A well designed CMS separates the problem of acquiring and organizing content (from various users who have various rights) from the problem of presenting that content. Further, a thoughtfully designed CMS allows you to encapsulate and drop in a functional element, such as a calendar, with little to no hacking. That's super important if you hope to support and update your sites for the long term.
Never say "never," but I suspect that issues of workflow control and rights of access are not things that Coffee Cup will tackle. IMHO, Coffee Cup has been about streamlining and simplifying client-side site visual design.
Look to content management systems for workflow and rights functionality in general. A well designed CMS separates the problem of acquiring and organizing content (from various users who have various rights) from the problem of presenting that content. Further, a thoughtfully designed CMS allows you to encapsulate and drop in a functional element, such as a calendar, with little to no hacking. That's super important if you hope to support and update your sites for the long term.
halfnium -AT-
Yes, I looked just like that in 1962.
Yes, I looked just like that in 1962.
I have to agree with the rest, I don't believe it's in the cards for this calendar system to be interactive in any way, but i basically setup as a display tool for business and site owners to display their current activities, whatever they may be.
If you're looking for a simple way to go interactive with multiple users, a good way would be to use the Google Calendar which also has the ability to be added to a website. You can then setup multiple emails that have access to the management of the calendar so people ad add/remove/edit events as needed. That would probably be more what you're needing if I'm understanding your post correctly.
If you're looking for a simple way to go interactive with multiple users, a good way would be to use the Google Calendar which also has the ability to be added to a website. You can then setup multiple emails that have access to the management of the calendar so people ad add/remove/edit events as needed. That would probably be more what you're needing if I'm understanding your post correctly.

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