Seriously? .. Seriously.. - Post ID...

User 2484360 Photo

Registered User
3,293 posts

Rod A. wrote:
My thought is that if I had homework and I was lost..I mean totally lost..I would not hesitate to ask on this forum. I would not ask for you to do the homework for me, but to get help in understanding what I didn't know. I remember a few years ago I said that I wanted to learn CSS and everyone on this forum came to the rescue in pointing me in the right directions, and helping me to learn, but the truth was I had to do the work or I wouldn't learn. Doing someone's homework for them and helping them to understand the problem is 2 entirely different things. With that being said, I think everyone understands each others boundaries on here. Also, if I go back to 2004, there was a guy that didn't know squat about web design, and the thing that stood out for me on this forum was the dignity and respect that other people showed me.

To bottom line it:
1) I would help someone with homework, but would NEVER do it for them.
2) Just don't be mean for any reason. If it's bad enough someone will put down the Ban Hammer, but the kindness and acceptance of this forum is what distinguishes it from all the others.
3) If anyone "misspoke" on here, it's time to apologize and move on. There is never anything good from having an adversarial relationship on a forum. Matt and Steve both seem like good people. I think they simply had a misunderstanding, emotions started running high, and something was said that shouldn't have been.

Very well said.
User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,200 posts

Very nice post Rod.:)
Half of the human speech is body language. Unless you video your question or response it's very hard to tell how it was meant to be said. It's kinda similar to the like button on facebook. I see people post things that are happing to them or others that are not good things and it gets a lot of likes. I can't bring myself to push a button saying I like a bad thing happening to somebody. I will comment on it if I can truly convey my concern for that person but if I can't then I move on.
I help a lot of users on here and may go to far sometimes but it's a judgment call by me if I will have the time to spoon feed a users or if it's just quicker for me to do it. A lot of users on here are very new to website work and even if I write a script for them they still have to get it working on their own site as I can't do that for them. I always welcome any questions from Matt or anybody for that matter. Questions will always lead to new ways of doing things because we all think a little different.
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)

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