Suggestions for CoffeeCup Sitemapper...

User 96903 Photo

Registered User
70 posts

Jim wrote:
I think it would be of great benefit if you would allow me to add a class attribute to the <UL> and <LI> tags in the HTML code. For example,

I could have
<li class="treeCategory">first level list item</li>
<li class="treeName">second level list item</li>
<li class="treeItem">third level list item</li>
<li class="treeItem">third level list item</li>

Jim, I don't think you need this. I think you can solve your needs in the css-flile like this:

#mysitemap div.sitemap ul {list-style-type: none; margin: 0; padding: 0;}
#mysitemap div.sitemap ul li {margin: 0; padding: 15px 0 0 0;}
#mysitemap div.sitemap ul li ul {list-style-type: none; margin: 0; padding: 0;}
#mysitemap div.sitemap ul li ul li {margin: 0; padding: 5px 0 0 20px;}

and so on.

I have tried it in a small scale and it worked, so I am going to try it in a bigger scale soon.
- You may help me once by doing something for me, you help me a multiple of times by teaching me how to do it myself.
User 126492 Photo

1,524 posts

NKM wrote:
I would like to see the Sitemapper with an option to capture the (first) h1-tag on the page rather than the page title. Trying to analyze sites built by others years ago has shown me the strenth of CC Sitemapper. But I have also learned that people before the SEO focus was not very exact with their page titles. Some even have the same title on all the site's pages, or the title from the page they used as a templete for this page. The h1-tag - or the first h1-tag as many old pages have more than one - is in most cases the real title of the page. So if the Sitemapper could have this option it will give me - and the rest of you - an even stronger tool. (If the page does not have an h1-tag choose the first h2-tag instead and if h2 is missing as well then use the title).

While the <H1> tag is important towards the ranking of your page, it is the <Title> tag that that is the most important for search engines when indexing your site. The <Title> tag text should be used as anchor text when linking from one page to another within your site.
User 96903 Photo

Registered User
70 posts

Jim Cantrell wrote:
While the <H1> tag is important towards the ranking of your page, it is the <Title> tag that that is the most important for search engines when indexing your site.

Well, if you read my post again you will see that in this case I am not talking about new page design and the relevance and use of <title> versus <h1>. I simply want to use this good program CC Sitemapper to get an overview over existing sites designed years ago when the use of <title> and <h1> was not so well defined. I find about these pages that designers put more effort in the main headline than the page title of the natural reason that the main headline was - and still is - the first words a visitor will read on any well designed page. The result from the Sitemapper can be used to create a complete navigation menu for such a site. In building such a navigation menu intended for normal visitors to the site the contents in the page title is of less interest.

Finally mind you that I am not asking for a change in the functionallity, what I am asking for is an alternativ functionality choosable as an option.
- You may help me once by doing something for me, you help me a multiple of times by teaching me how to do it myself.
User 211061 Photo

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15 posts

It would be nice if sitemapper has the following.
1. The ability to set the scheduler up as a windows servicer, so I don't need to have a user logged in to use it.
2. SSH, SSHS, FTPS options for upload.
3. Ability to auto 'update' to my local drive, rather than HAVING to set up a server connection. I've got SVN to do that for me.
User 727724 Photo

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1 post

Duplicate entries are created in the sitemap if links refer to a single page with different capitalization in the domain part of the page's URL.

Long ago I was trying to get the "CPA" part of a domain name to stand out for an accountant client. I gave that up, but since SOME references to a page had capital and SOME had, sitemap listed the pages two times.

Since domain name capitalization is not meaningful, I would like the program to ignore domain name capitalization and not create two links for the same page.
User 298877 Photo

292 posts

In the inbuild ftp client, allow a connection to S-Drive so a site map can be uploaded directly within the application, just like in many other CC apps.
User 2093356 Photo

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49 posts

i still like it for some stuff I do..
User 10077 Photo

Senior Advisor
1,096 posts

Would be nice in the broken links report if it showed the line number on which the broken link is found.
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User 2659348 Photo

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113 posts

Is Sitemapper still a thing? And if so, where/how do I get it?
And if not, can someone tell me a quick step-by-step to be able to use slickmap like CoffeeCup has as their sitemap?
Knowing is half the battle
User 187934 Photo

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20,226 posts

Chris S Peterson wrote:
Is Sitemapper still a thing? And if so, where/how do I get it?
And if not, can someone tell me a quick step-by-step to be able to use slickmap like CoffeeCup has as their sitemap?

Looks like they forgot to include it with their site update. Open a support topic.
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)

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