Jo Ann,
I did use the same names and file types (png) in my custom css file as in the default theme (for example, homepage.png, level1.png etc.) , and made sure I added the link to the sitemap.css file to my sitemap.htm page Still no joy - can't get SM to recognize the image files. I edited the css files to put in the full url path to the image files and that didn't work. I'm still thinking but stuck at this point.
I did use the same names and file types (png) in my custom css file as in the default theme (for example, homepage.png, level1.png etc.) , and made sure I added the link to the sitemap.css file to my sitemap.htm page Still no joy - can't get SM to recognize the image files. I edited the css files to put in the full url path to the image files and that didn't work. I'm still thinking but stuck at this point.
Hiya Robert,
Give me a little time today and I'll be playing with it, didn't get a chance to today but after I work with the forums a bit I will do so. I'll let ya know what I come up with, just off hand it sounds as if the one of the files (might be the sitemap.html, not sure how the program works so we'll see) isn't updating the link to the css file, but we'll see when I get done what is actually happening.
Give me a little time today and I'll be playing with it, didn't get a chance to today but after I work with the forums a bit I will do so. I'll let ya know what I come up with, just off hand it sounds as if the one of the files (might be the sitemap.html, not sure how the program works so we'll see) isn't updating the link to the css file, but we'll see when I get done what is actually happening.

Ok I too am having problems getting the graphics to show, but I also see why kind of.
When I save the sitemap with a default them such as the basic horizontal or vertical themes, it creates the sitemap.css file which has the URL's in it to the graphics.
When I save the sitemap with my newly created theme (even if it is confusing what it is we're supposed to edit since all the image URL settings have the %'s in them that we aren't supposed to change). It puts the file in pretty much exactly as it is in the theme folder still with the % signs and no real URL's for the images.
So I guess the problem is that it's not saving an edited sitemap.css file and just overwriting the current one (or creating a new one) and it's just a copy of the exact one in the theme file which isn't really complete.
I hope that made sense lol. I am sure I can go edit it, but I hesitate to do so due to the warnings in the Tutorial saying not to edit the areas with the % signs in them. There really isn't much to edit though when you get right down to it if you can't edit that part.
I need to leave to go see the new vampire movie Daybreakers, so I'll check this out some more later and I'll try playing with just altering the css file and see if that works or not. I can't see why it wouldn't since all I did was replace the graphics with new ones basically, same names etc. so it should have just shown them if that was the case. We'll see.
Hopefully a dev will chime in here and tell us if we're doing something wrong or what's up
Talk atcha in a while on it.
When I save the sitemap with a default them such as the basic horizontal or vertical themes, it creates the sitemap.css file which has the URL's in it to the graphics.
When I save the sitemap with my newly created theme (even if it is confusing what it is we're supposed to edit since all the image URL settings have the %'s in them that we aren't supposed to change). It puts the file in pretty much exactly as it is in the theme folder still with the % signs and no real URL's for the images.
So I guess the problem is that it's not saving an edited sitemap.css file and just overwriting the current one (or creating a new one) and it's just a copy of the exact one in the theme file which isn't really complete.
I hope that made sense lol. I am sure I can go edit it, but I hesitate to do so due to the warnings in the Tutorial saying not to edit the areas with the % signs in them. There really isn't much to edit though when you get right down to it if you can't edit that part.
I need to leave to go see the new vampire movie Daybreakers, so I'll check this out some more later and I'll try playing with just altering the css file and see if that works or not. I can't see why it wouldn't since all I did was replace the graphics with new ones basically, same names etc. so it should have just shown them if that was the case. We'll see.
Hopefully a dev will chime in here and tell us if we're doing something wrong or what's up

Thanks Jo Ann - I'm also off for the day. I'll be back online tomorrow.
Ok well this is maybe something wrong, I'll check with support and see since I haven't used this program all that much yet, and I have not attempted a theme at all until now, but I can say that editing the sitemap.css file links that have the % signs in them to the same url that's in the original files will allow your graphics to show up as long as you have them in the cssimages folder and uploaded and named the same as the originals.
This will also work if not named the same, all you need to do is change the names of the image files in the sitmap.css file rather than using the original names.
But this doesn't explain why it's apparently not working like it should, so I'll check with support and see what I can find out and I'll post what I find out here.
This will also work if not named the same, all you need to do is change the names of the image files in the sitmap.css file rather than using the original names.
But this doesn't explain why it's apparently not working like it should, so I'll check with support and see what I can find out and I'll post what I find out here.

Ok Robert, and anyone else trying to do this. I've been in emails with Scott all day today trying to figure out what the problem is here, and it all boiled down to the PDF file is lying to us! LOL.
I guess the PDF file is just a bit old (at least the one I have is, doesn't even have all the things in it that Scott's has in it) and is therefore incorrect in one of the main things, well 2 if we get technical because I'll assume you're missing the part I am missing too which Scott sent me in email.
The PDF file states "NOT" to change any of the areas with the % sign or you will break your sitemap. This is backwards and is should read that you NEED to change those values to the values you want them to be. So you need to go into the sitemap.css file that you copied into your new theme folder:
1. Go to this folder and open the sitemap.css file that you copied from the Customize folder from either the Horizontal or Vertical folders. C:\Program Files\CoffeeCup Software\CoffeeCup Sitemapper\Themes\My Themes\joann 1 ( I called my folder joann 1 as you can see.)
2. In your new theme's sitemap.css file change the values for the colors to the color numbers you want it to use, making sure to put the # in front of the color number.
3. Change the background URL's with the % signs in them to reflect the cssimages folder so it should be cssimages/level1.png, and cssimages/level2.png and cssimages/level3.png and cssimages/home.png respectively.
4. Save your file and then do the Create Sitemap in the program. Now it should spit out the right colors and the right images for your sitemap.
The part we were missing completely (at least I'm assuming you were) is the following:
Follow these instructions to add your own icons to Sitemapper so you can incorporate them into your sitemaps. Icons must be in .png format.
1. Icons used in Sitemapper are stored in C:\Program Files\CoffeeCup Software\CoffeeCup Sitemapper\ThemeIcons. Open up the ThemeIcons folder and create a new folder with a unique name. This is where you'll save your icons.
2. Drag your icon files into this new folder.
3. Go back into CoffeeCup Sitemapper and click the Themes button in the Toolbar.
4. Switch over to the Customize tab. Your icons will appear in the Icons list.
If you haven't already you should then rename your images so they are the level1.png, level2.png, level3.png and home.png.
The rest of the PDF file is correct, it's just that % editing part that was incorrect.
Here's a copy of mine as an example in case you're not big into css and such:
body {
font-family: arial;
background-color: #ffffff;
a {
text-decoration: none;
text-transform: capitalize;
color: #4F2054;
a:LinkVisitedColor {
text-decoration: underline;
color: #4F2054;
a:LinkActiveColor {
text-decoration: underline;
color: #199A98;
a:hover {
text-decoration: underline;
color: #006666;
ul ul {
margin-left: 0px;
padding: .5em 0 1.5em 20px;
li {
margin-left: 10px;
list-style: none;
padding-left: 20px;
background: transparent url('cssimages/level2.png') 0 .15em no-repeat;
li li {
background: transparent url('cssimages/level1.png') 0 .15em no-repeat;
li li li {
background: transparent url('cssimages/level1.png') 0 .15em no-repeat;
font-size: .85em;
li a {
font-weight: bold;
li li a {
font-weight: normal;
#home {
font-size: 24px;
font-weight: bold;
padding: 0 0 .5em 24px;
margin: 0;
background: transparent url('cssimages/home.png') 0 .15em no-repeat;
Hope that clears it up for you as it did for me, please post again if you still have problems
I guess the PDF file is just a bit old (at least the one I have is, doesn't even have all the things in it that Scott's has in it) and is therefore incorrect in one of the main things, well 2 if we get technical because I'll assume you're missing the part I am missing too which Scott sent me in email.
The PDF file states "NOT" to change any of the areas with the % sign or you will break your sitemap. This is backwards and is should read that you NEED to change those values to the values you want them to be. So you need to go into the sitemap.css file that you copied into your new theme folder:
1. Go to this folder and open the sitemap.css file that you copied from the Customize folder from either the Horizontal or Vertical folders. C:\Program Files\CoffeeCup Software\CoffeeCup Sitemapper\Themes\My Themes\joann 1 ( I called my folder joann 1 as you can see.)
2. In your new theme's sitemap.css file change the values for the colors to the color numbers you want it to use, making sure to put the # in front of the color number.
3. Change the background URL's with the % signs in them to reflect the cssimages folder so it should be cssimages/level1.png, and cssimages/level2.png and cssimages/level3.png and cssimages/home.png respectively.
4. Save your file and then do the Create Sitemap in the program. Now it should spit out the right colors and the right images for your sitemap.
The part we were missing completely (at least I'm assuming you were) is the following:
Follow these instructions to add your own icons to Sitemapper so you can incorporate them into your sitemaps. Icons must be in .png format.
1. Icons used in Sitemapper are stored in C:\Program Files\CoffeeCup Software\CoffeeCup Sitemapper\ThemeIcons. Open up the ThemeIcons folder and create a new folder with a unique name. This is where you'll save your icons.
2. Drag your icon files into this new folder.
3. Go back into CoffeeCup Sitemapper and click the Themes button in the Toolbar.
4. Switch over to the Customize tab. Your icons will appear in the Icons list.
If you haven't already you should then rename your images so they are the level1.png, level2.png, level3.png and home.png.
The rest of the PDF file is correct, it's just that % editing part that was incorrect.
Here's a copy of mine as an example in case you're not big into css and such:
body {
font-family: arial;
background-color: #ffffff;
a {
text-decoration: none;
text-transform: capitalize;
color: #4F2054;
a:LinkVisitedColor {
text-decoration: underline;
color: #4F2054;
a:LinkActiveColor {
text-decoration: underline;
color: #199A98;
a:hover {
text-decoration: underline;
color: #006666;
ul ul {
margin-left: 0px;
padding: .5em 0 1.5em 20px;
li {
margin-left: 10px;
list-style: none;
padding-left: 20px;
background: transparent url('cssimages/level2.png') 0 .15em no-repeat;
li li {
background: transparent url('cssimages/level1.png') 0 .15em no-repeat;
li li li {
background: transparent url('cssimages/level1.png') 0 .15em no-repeat;
font-size: .85em;
li a {
font-weight: bold;
li li a {
font-weight: normal;
#home {
font-size: 24px;
font-weight: bold;
padding: 0 0 .5em 24px;
margin: 0;
background: transparent url('cssimages/home.png') 0 .15em no-repeat;
Hope that clears it up for you as it did for me, please post again if you still have problems

Lies!! I never said any of that 
Thanks Jo Ann with the help in getting all this tracked down....

Thanks Jo Ann with the help in getting all this tracked down....
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No problem Scott, more like thank YOU for helping me get it tracked down lol, it was gonna make me pull my hair out lol. I'm just sure glad it wasn't something that "I" broke this time

Wolverana wrote:
I'm just sure glad it wasn't something that "I" broke this time
I'm just sure glad it wasn't something that "I" broke this time

Yeah, yeah, we've heard that song and dance before... I'm sure if I ask Scott I'd get a different version.

Living the dream, stocking the cream

HAHAHA Phil, go back in yer corner!

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