Where can I see how this and RLM work...

User 2488786 Photo

Registered User
190 posts

I have been out of pocket lately with a move and some illness so I couldn't take advantage of the RSD promos.
If I had the extra money I would of picked it up and then figured out what it can do and why.
I don't even see a place to buy it, so there's nothing explaining about it.
Is there a secret handshake that will get me in somewhere that I can learn a bit about it so when I can free up some cash I would know that I want it, I guess since I own basically every software you make I would probably buy this any way.
So I want to know if I should still keep teaching myself RLM or not to invest the time and wait till I can get RSD.
An expert at using the wrong tool the right way.
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Right now RSD was a limited time offer to RLM customers only. There will probably not be any further pre-release options for new customers until the public release later this Summer.
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 2488786 Photo

Registered User
190 posts

Oh well, How does it work with RLM, do you still need RLM if you have RSD?
An expert at using the wrong tool the right way.
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
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Responsive Layout Maker is great if you're the kind of designer who likes to get under the hood and work with code. RLM solves one of the biggest challenges in responsive design, having a flexible core which can adapt based on the viewer’s screen size. In a nutshell, Responsive Layout Maker creates a responsive prototype website (called a layout). You build the structure of your website in Responsive Layout Maker and then export to any code editor to add your final content.

Responsive Site Designer has all this and more but allows you to add the visual layer visually without having to dive into the code. It can not only import your RLM project, but it can also build the structure of your website as well. This means you do not have to export your Responsive Site Designer project into a code editor to add your final styles. The big additions that RSD offers are the design layer (background images, gradients, shadow, radius, etc) and state functionality (hover, active, visited). There's more cool stuff like a web inspector tool, adding meta data and footer code, integrating and customizing font icons (1600+ icons come with the app) and more.

You see, when starting a responsive project, you should first use Layout Maker. This app helps you ease into responsive design techniques without being distracted by design details such as rounded corners, etc. That task is reserved for Site Designer. RLM makes it easy to organize the material with site elements like headings, paragraphs, buttons, and images. Then arrange, rearrange, and explore new ways of presenting the content, then adjust its appearance for all screen sizes.

Once your Layout project is completed, then you can take your RLM project and open it within Site Designer to add your styles.

If you have not done so yet, we also have a bunch of articles on RLM to help you get more familiar with how the software works. Our Quick Start Guide is very helpful when getting started with Responsive Layout Maker and Responsive Site Designer as both use the same layout/structure. We recommend taking a look at it as it explains many different parts of RLM and RSD.
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 2488786 Photo

Registered User
190 posts

Sold a nice cabinet job and took some of the money from the deposit and got RSD ..... another learning curve, but looking forward to this.
When I got the big 17 software pack I was working around the clock and basically brain dead , but with the caring people on the forum and a few minutes a day I got the hang of RLM.
So now for me to play around and come up with some questions.
Really am impressed with all the people at all hours of the day that take time to answer or make a tutorial video, I'm not a coder, but to beat on the key still something happens.
An expert at using the wrong tool the right way.
User 2601283 Photo

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219 posts

It really is pretty easy to use. Not a coder either and now have 2 sites using RSD
User 2311654 Photo

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15 posts

Well, after a couple of years of tumultuous life events (serious illness, poverty due to unable to earn, and 3 moves of home) I can finally get back into my CC stuff. I own most of the apps necessary for website building so it's go, go, go. I have both RLM and RSD and have been puzzling over which is the chicken and which is the egg. This is the first mention (in Scott's post) that it's best to start with RLM. So that clears up my chicken and egg question.
I have to ask though, why isn't RSD incorporated in RLM? That's not to imply a criticism but just wondering.
I enjoy coding and have the HTML Editor for that reason. However, my concentration levels have fallen away with age so I think I'll be spending most of my efforts using RLM and RSD in the future for design and layout while using the Editor for content.
Just one question for now. Is it possible to put a form (Web Form Builder) in RLM and/or RSD?
User 2088758 Photo

Senior Advisor
3,091 posts

Hi Mike,

Yes you can add a web form to RLM and RSD.

For RLM you can check out my video tutorial here:

For RSD you would do almost the exact same thing but instead of opening you page in a html editor to add the code you would replace the placeholder element with an html element and paste your code there.

Hope this helps.
Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

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