Want to hire someone to take a site...

User 54308 Photo

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5 posts

Hello, a family member who built a site with sitedesigner has passed away and I need to take it over. But I only know WordPress. I'd like to hire someone who can get the site over to WordPress so I can manage it. I'm thinking that someone familiar with Coffee Cup would be a good choice since I know this is what he used. I do have access to all the files, of course. I just don't know where to begin.

Please get in touch if interested or if you have suggestions on where I should look for help with this.

Thank you!

User 379556 Photo

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1,539 posts

I have no experience of Wordpress, and I mention the following simply in case nobody with such experience responds to the request.

Searching for 'convert website to Wordpress' via Google and other search engines reveals that there are a number of sites regarding conversion of HTML sites to Wordpress. Some just list the steps to take, some offer to do it for a fee, and at least one (here) appeared to have an automated online conversion.

Site Designer generates good clean HTML and CSS coding along with some javascript files. I would be inclined not to think in terms of somehow converting from Site Designer to Wordpress, but simply of converting the HTML etc. files to a Wordpress site. In other words, the fact that Site Designer was used to generate, or help generate, the website seems unimportant regarding the conversion.

If the website was completed wholly with Site Designer it is likely that there will be a single project file (with the .rsd extension), though more complex sites may have more than one such project file. Opening such a project file in Site Designer, and clicking on the Export icon at the top right of the program window allows one to save on one's hard drive all the files (HTML, CSS, javascript, any images etc.) of that project into a folder (which will be suffixed by '_exported'). Those are the files that would be needed for the conversion possibilities mentioned in the first paragraph above.


PS. Posting here a link to the website, and attaching a zipped copy of the .rsd file(s) would probably be the best way to allow forum users to decide whether or not they can help you. FC
User 54308 Photo

Registered User
5 posts

Frank, I can't tell you how incredibly helpful your response is. That is exactly the information I've needed, and such a bonus to learn how to get the files to my hard drive. I have been googling and asking in various forums for weeks.
Thank you!
Shari-for David
User 131545 Photo

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687 posts


Are you from Belgium of The Nederlands?

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Stephane Fonteyne
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