Hi Chris
First I found the one I did before, but I forgot that Iy was done in Bootstrap, which I know you are using foundation (assuming it's for your "deckworks site"
I have spent some time getting it onto the foundation framework, which now is looking good and working,
I have to mention, that parallax scrolling is not really considered a good user experience for Android devices, the problem being that it can be a bit juddery as the user scrolls, mostly because most browsers run the JS code at the end and therefore every time a user scrolls, there is a slight delay as the thing plays catch up.
This is slowly improving as modern phones also become more powerful, and capable of handling this effect, but there is no way of knowing what your user's device is capable of doing.
Also, there is and has been an inherent problem with apple devices also not displaying the parallax effect at all, never mind even trying. This has also been fixed to a point by apple themselves, but oh boy the amount of add-on etc, extra code, really makes one wonder if it's worth it at the moment.
Of course laptops (some of the larger Tablets etc)and desktops have no problems.
Anyway, the one I have got going today is easy enough to add into an existing site maybe with some magic, even making existing containers do it.
I have made a demo video as usual, which is uploading as this is typed, but we are really suffering from heavy thunderstorms etc at the moment and have lost electricity 3 times already today, it's chucking it down at the moment, so if it goes again I can't see the poor old electric cable reair man venturing out in this, so keep your
fingers crossed.
I will let you know when its finally up and can be watched.