Site Designer Change Logs - Page 4 -...

User 399746 Photo

Sales & Support Manager
417 posts

Hey there!

The new Site Designer 5.0.3429 is now available for download.
  • Now support multiple file importing for Components.
  • We fixed a bug that occurred when removing a url from the ‘formaction’ field for a Submit button left the attribute on the DOM.
  • Adjusted a false positive style conflict notice when importing components with images.
  • Tweaked an issue with CodePen images on non HTTPS slugs.
  • Corrected an empty toggle for HTML Element on Design Panel.
  • Reconfigured a drop down component’s duplicate appearance when exporting/previewing a Materialize Project.
  • Added a success message after importing a component from Finder
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User 399746 Photo

Sales & Support Manager
417 posts

Greetings! We have a new version of Site Designer 5.0.3446 ready for download.
  • Updated Pictures for improving the CLS score of the page speed insights, so so they have a better score and rank higher on the Search Engines.
  • Added lazy loading control for Picture Elements.
  • Show configured breakpoints on Component Info Dialog within the Component Library.
  • Corrected issue with background images when applying hover gradients.
  • Fixed issue when clicking on a Link Element with target=“\_top” or target=“\_parent”  attribute in preview converts canvas into browser window.
  • Tweaked the issue that disabled the ability to change the Social Icon.
  • Addressed Site Designer closing current project file without saving after double clicking .rsdtheme file in finder.
  • Fixed Site Designer crashing upon Export.
  • Added link to the Component Store in the Components toggle.
Learn the essentials with these tips on Site Designer. You'll be making epic, code-free responsive sites like a boss.
User 399746 Photo

Sales & Support Manager
417 posts


The new Site Designer 5.0.3470 is here. Review the changes below:
  • Preview SVGs on Resources Dialog.
  • Display more specific file icon per extension in Resources Manager.
  • Update video tutorials link in all apps.
  • Get started faster with the new Quick Start Template.
  • Updated the video sources paths so when modified they update automatically.
  • Fixed the Media and Poster paths as they were not updating in elements.
  • Corrected issue with broken Parallax effects on Materialize Templates.
  • Ensure no login info is shown for Templates.
Learn the essentials with these tips on Site Designer. You'll be making epic, code-free responsive sites like a boss.
User 399746 Photo

Sales & Support Manager
417 posts


Site Designer 5.0.3479 is now available! Below are the highlights for this release:
  • Applied enhancements to the Resource Dialog along with interface tweaks.
  • Added feature to show the full file name in the Handy Info part of the new Resource Dialog.
  • Added resource type filter to the Resources Dialog.
  • Added Create HTML button to Resources Dialog.
  • Added Create CSS/JS buttons to Resources Dialog.
  • Added “Sort By” section to Resources Dialog.
  • Added Create Picture/Picture Links buttons to Resources Dialog.
  • We corrected the link within the help section to the YouTube channel playlist.
  • Fixed the media resources that were not renamed properly when containing special characters in the name.
  • Corrected a inline link issue occurring with Materialize projects.
  • Sped up the back-end when creating the resources thumbnails & info.
  • Added resource file extensions to resources information.
  • Added the ability to view resources images bigger.
  • Select resource when opening from a local canvas control.
  • Added image size and dimensions to resources information

Learn the essentials with these tips on Site Designer. You'll be making epic, code-free responsive sites like a boss.
User 399746 Photo

Sales & Support Manager
417 posts

Greetings! Site Designer V5.3490 is now available for download.

This version includes miscellaneous bug fixes along with several tweaks to the Resource Dialog. We added a handy section within the Page Manager for injecting your Google Analytics scripts.

The following changes have been made:
  • Added a ‘Disable Preview’ checkbox to the Resource Dialog to help speed up the loading of files in the selection window.
  • In the Resource Dialog you’ll find we added optimized default icons for file resources.
  • Under the Resource Dialog sorting control, you may now choose to sort by “File Extension.”
  • Fresh tips included in the Resource Dialog.
  • From the Page Manager, you may now inject your Google Analytics scripts.
  • Use your keyboard arrow keys to activate pages in the Page Manager.
  • Fixed an issue with the Video Element that had disabled the ability to set a Poster from “none image” state.
  • Corrected a syntax error when creating an HTML file within the Resource Dialog.
Learn the essentials with these tips on Site Designer. You'll be making epic, code-free responsive sites like a boss.
User 399746 Photo

Sales & Support Manager
417 posts


Site Designer V5 build 3499 is live! Here is the scoop on this latest release.
  • You can now generate Sitemap.xml and Robots.txt files automatically from Site Designer Preferences.
  • You may set file extension per page upon Export.
  • Ability to paste PHP in code replacer controls.
  • Ability to create PHP files from the Resources Dialog.
  • PHP file management.
  • Set focus to web view once a project is loaded.
  • There is now a code icon that is displayed in the Elements Tree to indicate that code is applied on the canvas.
Learn the essentials with these tips on Site Designer. You'll be making epic, code-free responsive sites like a boss.
User 399746 Photo

Sales & Support Manager
417 posts

Greetings! We just released a new version of Site Designer. Here is the scoop on Site Designer 5.0.3508:

    To help improve the workflow, we added the Page Manager to the top toolbar. This makes it more convenient when you need to quickly access all your pages to apply settings and SEO configurations.
  • We corrected an issue where Google Analytics was not saved when added using the "Paste Google Analytics" action.
  • We reviewed and changed the default cursor position when opening Code Editor. Previously, when the code editor was opened, the cursor would go to the last column of the last line. This has been adjusted so that it now appears in the first column of the first line.
  • You now have the ability to open Site Designer Developer Edition project files within Site Designer. This way you can take advantage of the new controls that have been added over the last year such as Lazy Loading for images.
  • An HTML code indicator has been added to the Canvas, Element pane and Inspector pane. This allows you to identify elements that have custom code applied. Clicking the icon will take you directly to the custom code section.
  • We added the "data" file extension to the page manager list. You can allow to set a custom extension per page.
  • The root folder cannot be removed within Resource. To avoid confusion, we disabled the ‘Remove Folder’ button and ‘Action’.
  • Allow HTML 5 Video/Video Platform/Audio elements to activate Element Panel from Canvas.
  • Made tweaks to the app verification dialog box to make it easier to see which email address is being used for validation.
  • Miscellaneous Page Manager dialog tweaks.
  • Updated info displayed when a project saving action fails. This way there is extra details about why the failure occurred.
Learn the essentials with these tips on Site Designer. You'll be making epic, code-free responsive sites like a boss.
User 399746 Photo

Sales & Support Manager
417 posts

Greetings! Site Designer V5 build 3511 has been released.

In this latest release you can enjoy two great improvements to Site Designer’s Element Tree. Within the list of page elements, you can now view container tag names. For example, you can see with a glance container types (Header, Nav, Article).

We also added indicators to elements that have data attributes associated with them. Click on the indicator to launch the Element pane where you may manage the element’s data attribute information.

A tweak was also made to the ‘Download As’ element. The special attribute label was applied to the element.

If you own Site Designer head over to your account to download the app. If you’re not working with this latest version yet, we invite you to download a free trial at:

Learn the essentials with these tips on Site Designer. You'll be making epic, code-free responsive sites like a boss.
User 399746 Photo

Sales & Support Manager
417 posts

Site Designer V5 build 3519 has been released.

This new build includes a Map element. You'll find this on the Content pane in the Media Elements collection. This will give you the power to easily add a Google Map to your page without having to jump through a bunch of hoops. The element will be able to take the embed code the Google Maps generates and automatically responsify it!

Learn more about how this element functions in this tutorial:
Learn the essentials with these tips on Site Designer. You'll be making epic, code-free responsive sites like a boss.
User 399746 Photo

Sales & Support Manager
417 posts

Site Designer V5 build 3528 is now available for download.

This build gained a new skill. You can now smoothly import custom font files and style them on canvas without using extra CSS classes.

Read more about why this is important due to GDPR regulations and follow along with the tutorial to make it happen.

Learn how to use this new font process:

Understand how Google Fonts will affect GDPR regulations
Learn the essentials with these tips on Site Designer. You'll be making epic, code-free responsive sites like a boss.

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