Manage project questions - Page 2 -...

User 379556 Photo

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My understanding is that attempts to rename multiple pages in the Page Manager somehow failed. I had several goes at replicating the problem in the project file that Greg provided, but without success.

It would be interesting to know -
(a) whether the problem could be reproduced on a completely new project in the OSX version of SD4;
(b) whether perhaps it affects just the OSX version of SD4.

If the problem can be reproduced as in (a), and if Eric, like me, is using the Windows version, perhaps it should be reported in the Support Room by someone who can reproduce it in the OSX version.

User 2273654 Photo

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I have had the set backs of the project file crashing and ceasing to work when I was trying to change most all of the page addresses. So it will be awhile till I get back to trying to change the page names. I am thinking that it will probably be better when I get to it because of all of the app reloading and other problem fixing that has been done since the project file crash. I have windows operating system not osx. Wouldn't know about that.
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User 2699991 Photo

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They fixed the problems with renaming pages a long time back, what version of SD are you using?
Like Eric I can change page names in the project file you made available very easily no issues whatsoever
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User 2273654 Photo

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When I first posted the problem with changing page names/addresses, I was definitely having the problem and I was using the latest build. When I was changing addresses and closing the program in between each change I did successfully change a couple of them and then the app or project file crashed and was irretrievable. I then reloaded the latest build and selected the next previous project file that worked and proceeded adding back in all of the changes that I had made to the crashed project file, which was many. Upon attempting publishing with SD it was erring and timing out and I failed to get a successful publish. I then tried to get it published with my CC direct FTP app. Was not able to get published either. Then tried publishing with CC site upload page, had better success with that but not complete success. Placed a trouble report and proceeded to address the publishing problem and the multitude of rendering errors on the live site display from the upload of the latest project file. After about a weeks work got the live site to be rendering as per the project file which I put in this thread. Having someone try to change and successfully change pg addresses from the project file on their system was a piece of troubleshooting information that was very helpful to me on this on going problem. I recently lost one of my domain names and have been dealing with the SEO related to that. Went to my webmaster tools and analytics and the site was not indexed, would not scan google did not recognize. That problem needed to be addressed. My CC S-drive site still has lots of the old domain that I have lost on it also my ftp can not seem to get rid of the old domain name for uploading purposes and the instructions I was guided to do not address the specific problem. Anyway i am really trying to get to the changing pg address problem, but their is a wealth of serious problems too that may be more important in the priorities of fixing a site. I believe that most of this I have already said in this thread. I am answering Wayans question. There are several issues listed in this post that I could open new threads on. I do believe that when I try to change the addresses again that it will go smoothly as it did for Eric and Wayan.
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