Design Questions - Post ID 252566

User 2798311 Photo

Registered User
14 posts

OK - Hi again.
I'm back with another query....

The layout of the project I'm working on is a header across the top, and two main sections underneath. Main content on the left and a column 25% of the screen width. This column needs to be a different colour, but the content doesn't always fit to the bottom of the page.
Question is, how do I continue the background colour of that column across all screen widths? I have added a Min-height value at each breakpoint, but it doesn't solve the problem of the in-between screen sizes. I seem to get some occasions of the colour not reaching the bottom and it's 'jumping' about a bit.

Hopefully its an easy fix, like the other question :/
Thanks in advance.
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

If I understand the question correctly, on the Row, go to the Design Tab and for Max-Width, check the box "None". If you are wanting something different, attach your project file so I can see how you have things setup.
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