Adding HTML elements to RSD -...

User 2803079 Photo

1 post

Hi, I am considering purchase of RSD to help design a responsive site to replace my static site. My old site uses javascript image viewer. Example (static!) page here The key quality of Highslide is the nice cross-fade between images. To add Highslide into and RSD page I assume I would need to add HTML elements, such as CSS and Javascript link in the page header and lists where i want the thumbnails, for example on the ZTV page:
<a id="iztv05" href="images/03_assmt/Turbine-ZTV(Fig1-BareEarth).jpg" class="highslide"
onclick="EXload('iztv05',this);return hs.expand(this, { slideshowGroup: 'ztv' })">
<img src="images/thumbs/Turbines-ZTVBW.jpg" oversrc="images/thumbs/Turbines-ZTV.jpg" alt="Turbine ZTV"
style="width: 180px;height:60px;" /><br />Wind Turbine ZTV</a>
<div class="highslide-heading">Wind Turbine ZTV (bare-earth)</div>
<div class="highslide-caption">
The limitations of relying on bare-earth ZTV, without considering visual obstructions, are well illustrated in the above and the next image. Above is the bare-earth ZTV for a medium-size wind turbine in Yorkshire. Compare this with the following image (keyboard or click right arrow).

This is repeated for each image.

So the question is, before I install the demo and try it for myself, does this sound like a feasible proposition for RSD?
Thanks in advance :)

User 2484360 Photo

Registered User
3,293 posts

You are correct. That would be what would need to be done to include any JS or external HTML in RSD. :)

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