"Why does everybody stand up and sing "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" when they're already there?"
I do a lot of websites for athletic clubs and organizations, several want their own store for people to purchase league equipment which always includes shirts/jerseys/sweatshirts etc. I believe it's already been mentioned although I can't find the post about the ability to have an input box, in this case for the name on the back of the garment. Someone suggested a drop down list of names which while it's a solution just isn't practical when you've got a soccer club with 500+ participants. Two thumbs up for an input box.
Michael Dane
"Why does everybody stand up and sing "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" when they're already there?"
"Why does everybody stand up and sing "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" when they're already there?"
On Shopping cart creator, I am wondering if you could put a image above the filed label text in the product detail area. I have tried to add one using the html button but I will not work when I upload the store. Any thoughts?
Can you be more specific on what you mean by filed label (or field label which is what maybe you meant? either way I don't see that anywhere on the program). I was just looking through it to see if I could decipher what you meant, but I don't see where you're talking about so lemme know and maybe I can check it out too

http://simnar.com/shop/viewitem.php?gro … roductid=0
Here is a link to look at. The store is still a work in progress. I hope that helps.
Here is a link to look at. The store is still a work in progress. I hope that helps.
Ahh Optional Fields you meant, got it thanks. And no there's no way to do that at this time, and from what I've seen it may not be possible as the amount of space in those boxes is very limited due to the limitations that PayPal has put on the amount of data they will handle on their end.
I would like the image to go above the option filed. It shows it in the preview but when I upload it isn't there.
Simnar Surgical, Inc. wrote:
I would like the image to go above the option filed. It shows it in the preview but when I upload it isn't there.
I would like the image to go above the option filed. It shows it in the preview but when I upload it isn't there.
Did you upload the image to the correct folder on your server? Do a view source on the page and then go look for it on your Website.
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You where right on the line... I put it in the wrong spot on the server. Once you said that I went and sure enough, it was in the wrong spot. Thanks for the heads up!
ohhhhhhhh I totally misunderstood what you were after even Simnar lol, sorry about that. Looks good though nice job

Thanks. Still learning and this product makes my job a WHOLE lot eaiser! Thanks for doing such a great job!
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