Confused then, does either paypal or google checkout inform you of the product / quantity that the purchaser has purchased. It must do otherwise you will never know what to ship and thats not much good as a shopping cart solution.
i am sure i have asked the question via email, and the reply came back saying that they both inform you of the product / qty and address details.
i am sure i have asked the question via email, and the reply came back saying that they both inform you of the product / qty and address details.
i am sure i have asked the question via email, and the reply came back saying that they both inform you of the product / qty and address details.
CC needs to give us a definite answer on this one.
Here is what I have learned so far and the differences between the TWO versions of Paypal.
Paypal IPN
only requires vendor to enter their email address as whatever cart program they are using will track and report all order details. Paypal itself only reports the total paid and customers name back to the vendor. With this version customers can pay through their paypal account if they have one or can pay via credit card without the need for a paypal account. This is what my old cart program used.
Paypal API
requires vendor to get and enter an API username, password and signature
This is the version that the coffee cup cart uses, it utilizes the "express checkout" feature which means a customer must have or be willing to create a paypal account. They cannot pay with their credit card without first signing up for a paypal account. Because the express checkout utilizes a shopping basket feature it will report back to the vendor what was purchased and where to ship it... only reports the main title of the item so you have to somehow cram enough detail into that little field to actually be able to know what to ship, or use unique & slightly different prices so you recognize what they have purchased.
hope that helps a bit.......took me awhile to sort it all out...
I know there has been talk about the ability to accept credit cards coming in a future update but no one has said wheather it will be
a) through Paypal meaning they have to build in order reporting back to the vendor which it doesn't have now (which would also solve the problem of what this thread is about)
b) some other way to process credit cards independently of paypal which would require all kinds of merchant accounts and agreements with other expensive system to switch to.
waiting anxiously for info announcements
Paypal IPN
only requires vendor to enter their email address as whatever cart program they are using will track and report all order details. Paypal itself only reports the total paid and customers name back to the vendor. With this version customers can pay through their paypal account if they have one or can pay via credit card without the need for a paypal account. This is what my old cart program used.
Paypal API
requires vendor to get and enter an API username, password and signature
This is the version that the coffee cup cart uses, it utilizes the "express checkout" feature which means a customer must have or be willing to create a paypal account. They cannot pay with their credit card without first signing up for a paypal account. Because the express checkout utilizes a shopping basket feature it will report back to the vendor what was purchased and where to ship it... only reports the main title of the item so you have to somehow cram enough detail into that little field to actually be able to know what to ship, or use unique & slightly different prices so you recognize what they have purchased.
hope that helps a bit.......took me awhile to sort it all out...
I know there has been talk about the ability to accept credit cards coming in a future update but no one has said wheather it will be
a) through Paypal meaning they have to build in order reporting back to the vendor which it doesn't have now (which would also solve the problem of what this thread is about)
b) some other way to process credit cards independently of paypal which would require all kinds of merchant accounts and agreements with other expensive system to switch to.
waiting anxiously for info announcements
Thanks Rosie. That was what I understood when I purchased the CC cart. At no time did I wish to setup a eBay Shop with payment by PayPal due to the extra layers of complexity and added commissions which all take away from the bottom line. This cart of CC's has potential as long as the basics are sorted.
We use PayPal Express so that we can have a shopping cart basket function. If we wanted to just sent a specific amount like a PayPal button does, that is doable but then you would not be able to allow the customer to order more then 1 item at a time. This is why PayPal Express is so useful.
In the next few days you will see a few announcements with Shopping Cart and other merchants. Just keep watching
In the next few days you will see a few announcements with Shopping Cart and other merchants. Just keep watching

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Thanks Scott.
Are you saying the PP EXpress actually does advise the merchant of the item, quantity purchased and the shipping details without having to log on to view each transaction? That is the answer I need.
Are you saying the PP EXpress actually does advise the merchant of the item, quantity purchased and the shipping details without having to log on to view each transaction? That is the answer I need.
Yes Paypal API (which is the feature that c c cart uses) with the PayPal express feature deos notify you of the details. When a customer makes a purchase you will receive an email from PayPal that contains:
customer name & address
item purchased (whatever you entered in the title box only)
total paid
I have tested it by making purchases once my cart was online to see just what data I got back.
It does have a line for sales tax which of course shows 0.00 right now as the cart is not set up to calculate this properly yet.
you do not have to log on anywhere, Paypal emails you at the email address on file with your account.
I do not have a line showing shipping on my email from Paypal
Yes Paypal API (which is the feature that c c cart uses) with the PayPal express feature deos notify you of the details. When a customer makes a purchase you will receive an email from PayPal that contains:
customer name & address
item purchased (whatever you entered in the title box only)
total paid
I have tested it by making purchases once my cart was online to see just what data I got back.
It does have a line for sales tax which of course shows 0.00 right now as the cart is not set up to calculate this properly yet.
you do not have to log on anywhere, Paypal emails you at the email address on file with your account.
I do not have a line showing shipping on my email from Paypal
Scott said:
"We use PayPal Express so that we can have a shopping cart basket function. If we wanted to just sent a specific amount like a PayPal button does, that is doable but then you would not be able to allow the customer to order more then 1 item at a time. This is why PayPal Express is so useful."
Paypal API plus express is useful in that the cart does not have to have the modules/code necessary to track and report order details because it is relying on the basket to do that.
Other than that it has very little to offer, at least from the merchant end. I have used both in my online store in the past.
The express/basket makes for much less work for the developers but much more work for the merchant trying to keep track of &/or figure out what the heck is going on on a daily basis.
I disagree completly with your comment that without the express shopping basket customers could only buy one item at a time and have the history of sastisified customers who made multiple item purchases to illustrate that. However that was with the IPN option.
"We use PayPal Express so that we can have a shopping cart basket function. If we wanted to just sent a specific amount like a PayPal button does, that is doable but then you would not be able to allow the customer to order more then 1 item at a time. This is why PayPal Express is so useful."
Paypal API plus express is useful in that the cart does not have to have the modules/code necessary to track and report order details because it is relying on the basket to do that.
Other than that it has very little to offer, at least from the merchant end. I have used both in my online store in the past.
The express/basket makes for much less work for the developers but much more work for the merchant trying to keep track of &/or figure out what the heck is going on on a daily basis.
I disagree completly with your comment that without the express shopping basket customers could only buy one item at a time and have the history of sastisified customers who made multiple item purchases to illustrate that. However that was with the IPN option.
Hi Rosey
Many thanks for the info. All of that should be spelt out in the original literature. I apprciate your efforts.
Many thanks for the info. All of that should be spelt out in the original literature. I apprciate your efforts.
I am guessing, Scott hopefully will confirm, that any information in the drop downs will also appear with paypal,or Google payment
IE select colour option etc.
A usefull option for me would be a text field for customers to type in their instructions
IE engrave I.E.C on a ring, or make name Carrie,, for a name pendant
and if that option was available would it also show up with paypal payment ?
i am seriously considering this as a replacement for cubecart, i have also tried Magento, but that is far to complex for my neads
IE select colour option etc.
A usefull option for me would be a text field for customers to type in their instructions
IE engrave I.E.C on a ring, or make name Carrie,, for a name pendant
and if that option was available would it also show up with paypal payment ?
i am seriously considering this as a replacement for cubecart, i have also tried Magento, but that is far to complex for my neads
Started using CC VSD in January 2009, I don't do HTML code, Sales from CC site exceeding expectations taken me out of semi-retirement
My new VSD & SCCP site Oct 2011
My friendly window cleaner
My new VSD & SCCP site Oct 2011
My friendly window cleaner
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