You could also take the CC Calendar Maker for a free trial spin

A few other suggestions...
The map takes a long time to load (for me, anyway). If you look up your address on Google maps, you can get a snippet of code to embed the map on a webpage. So you could make another page for your site and have the map and any other useful info someone might need right there – no need to leave the site (see map at bottom of this page: (< created with VSD)
If you make your pages a little longer, maybe they could all be the same length, but that's not critical.
On the home page, the paragraph under the photo could shift to the left and the information could go underneath the photo and text to take up the extra space if the page was made longer.
Getting picky here

Last thing – Make the logo a link to your home page

Whatever you come up with for the calendar, check back in the VSD or Web Dev forum if you need some help adding it into your page