Layout Maker Help - Post ID 247302

User 2514104 Photo

Registered User
43 posts

I have now been through this demo - its quite good, although the text is a bit sketchy for an old bloke struggling to come to grips with the RLM process & concept.

A few questions …
a) when does the content get added - I am finding it quite difficult to decide on an outline structure without seeing the content in place. I really only want to do a job once, but can see this approach could lead to a number of major re-do’s as I add and update content. Even if I keep my web site (below) essentially the same, there seems to be a number of different ways to implement the appearance - with different + & -’s down the track that I cannot see at the moment. How do I solve this?


(Help / User guide) the first example has a menu ( Home Parties Join-in Be-You JustaAsk) . As you shrink the width the menu changes to a single menu button. How is that done? There are no notes on that.

c) Can I cut & paste html code into the containers created in RLM?

d) Is it possible to offer me some tips & pointers to get me started the right direction with the front page of my web site - I always find the hardest thing is getting the basics in place and a little assistance at the start is usually all I need. ( I had the same difficulty some years ago when learning CSS ! - but I am not as young any more)

e) Where can I get a good explanation with example of the The Stack and use of Push & Pull. The demo example has everything as “Push”. Please refer me to the appropriate area.

f) I just realised that the number of grids does not change as you decrease the width of the screen - I have previously watched videos of others Fluid Grid programs (DW) and just assumed they all reduced the number of grid columns as you reduced screen size. What is the use & purpose of the “gutter” width in your system?
User 271657 Photo

3,816 posts

F) If you start with a 12 col (column) grid, for example, typically you would have 12 grid cols at every breakpoint/screen size*. What you would change is the row/span.
At full width, you might one section with want 3 paragraphs of text. So the section itself (or row) would span the full 12 grid cols. Each par. of text would span 4 grid cols. Or you could have any division of 12 – 3 span + 3 span + 6 span.
Say you set breakpoint around 800px, you might want to have 2 par. side by side and move the third below them. You would set your par. to span 6 grid-cols each. The lone paragraph under the top 2 would usually be at the left, but you could use 'push' to move it to the right or center it. Or you could decide to have it span all 12 grid cols.
E) How to use push/pull: … out-maker/

Gutters are the spacing between the grid columns. They allow for some space between paragraphs (and other items) for easier reading. You can set wider or narrower gutters but that will be site-wide, you have more specific control if you use margins and paddings on items as needed.

* If you created your own grid system, you could switch from (example) a 12 col to a 4 col or whatever as needed. So your header might be 12 col wide, then the main content might be based on a 4 col grid, etc. You would still need to change and adjust things at various breakpoints.
RLM has enough flexibility built-in, what with sub-grids and unlimited breakpoints (if using Coffeegrinder rather than Bootstrap), that one grid should get the job done. :D
I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. (Douglas Adams)

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