Images? - Post ID 261845

User 133733 Photo

Registered User
17 posts

Hi, I bought the design package thinking that each piece of software had a distinct and separate function. I am trying very hard to fight my way through all the manual pages and get to a simple step by step guide; instead there is a flurry of different pages - and the one says to start with the Site Designer and another says to start with the Layout Designer; I had wanted to start by making a slideshow so I had thought I'd start with the Content Slider, but it seems not.

And all the manual pages go on and on about the grids and breakpoints etc, repeating endlessly - so yes, I GET that, already! I understand how wonderful it is to be able to make a responsive site through tables that slide around and fit themselves in; I GET that. But what about a bit of info on how to (a) create images that will stretch, ie what size should I be looking at? and (b) how do I insert/import my image once I have placed an image element? The closest thing I can find is "Export" ... and that requires that I type in a path. Good grief! So it can't be that ...?

Also: What the heck is the difference between the Layout Designer and Site Designer software - the purpose, I mean? Why wasn't all this put together into one piece of software? It seems to me I have to jump around between all the different bits and pieces just to end up with one site? And if they all behave the same way ... what's the point of not merging them into one, the way Xara has done?

Sorry, I have spent hours wading through pages of information and it seems the manuals are as fluid as the site designs are supposed to be, but the software is not intuitive and the manuals don't spell it out. I am wasting hours on this; think I'll just go back to a software that will create a slideshow and is easy to just drop images into!! Unless anyone can tell me where the heck to find the info I need, without springing around left right and centre through the manual pages?

Thank you. I apologise if I seem tense. I have been working with software for 30 years, yet this has me flummoxed. Why not produce a TOC, at least, so I can go look for "how to bring your own images into your image content element"? SIGH!
Jo Holloway
User 122279 Photo

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14,581 posts

Hi, I think I can understand your frustration. I'll not be able to answer ALL your questions, but I can say something about RSD versus RLM.

If you are a private person and want to create a website for yourself and maybe a couple of friends, then go for RSD. On the other hand, if you do websites on a business basis, RLM could be better for you.

With RSD you can create a site including the contents. You can create e.g. slideshows, forms, menus etc in different software and add it to the site. When you export it, you have the whole website from A to Z.

RLM makes layouts for websites, and you can use placeholders for any content like the ones mentioned above plus images.After you export your work, you will have to open the pages ina html editor and add the real contents. RLM is great for making layouts that can be reused for different sites.

I'd suggest that you concentrate on one of the mentioned programmes, the one that best suits your needs.

Regarding the Responsive Content slider: A manual for it has been requested by many, and hopefully it will emerge one day. I also have problems inserting images other than just replacing those that come with the demo slideshow.

I reckon someone else will chime in here and answer the questions that I haven't.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 2088758 Photo

Senior Advisor
3,109 posts

Excellent response Inger.


I hear and feel your pain. This software is by no means easy to learn, I think of it like the application Adobe Photoshop. However once you get through the steep learning curve of these applications they are extremely powerful.

My advise to you is keep at it... you like us will have that "aha" moment and everything makes sense.

If you get stuck on a specific task just come back here and let us know. We are all just volunteers here giving back to the community. And surprisingly you will see CoffeeCup staff peaking in on the forums to help out.

Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

YouTube Channel: … ttneYaMSJA
User 122279 Photo

Senior Advisor
14,581 posts

Thanks, Steve! ;)

Oh, and Screencraft, take a look at the videos in Steve's YouTube channel. He has made many that will hep you better understand the programmes you are struggling with.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 1955696 Photo

Registered User
23 posts

Well thank you all for this.
I have just retired from academia and thought I would get my old website up to date after 15 years of Hot Metal Pro. After trying out RLM, RSD & RCS for a couple of weeks I was beginning to think I'd lost the plot :| and perhaps it was time to hung up my boots - but your words have given me encouragement to keep going.
Cheers :)

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