not connecting to gmail - Post ID 295625

User 40822 Photo

6 posts

I'm trying to send the email through my gmail account. I set up the connection, tested the connection and the test was successful, I get a message from gmail that email designer was granted access. When I try to send the email, it says it cannot connect to gmail. I have tried this 3 times with the same results. I also tried to send it vis Outlook with the same results. I know both Outlook and gmail accounts are set up correctly because I get emails through both accounts and the program says the test is good for both accounts.
User 2273654 Photo

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I think that you have to have had the email app for less than a year and also have to have a current email acct with the mailer acct. with CC. I am speculating I have the email because I bought the big bundle of CC applications but I have not used it yet am hoping I do not have the same problem you are having. I used it years ago when it came out in the RED and was the smaller non commercial form of it. They have since then changed it much.
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For Gmail, I think you need the 2 step authentication for RED to work.
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Inger, Norway

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User 2088758 Photo

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Actually you would have to disable the 2 step authentication if you want RED to work. I ran into this problem many times and took me a while to figure out because it doesn't give you any warnings or error messages saying why it wouldn't send. I disabled my 2 step auth and it sent the emails from RED.

Its a bit of a pain in the butt so I stopped using RED to send multiple emails out. I just used RED to create the templates then use MailChimp to send the emails out.
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User 122279 Photo

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That must be new then, because I had to ENable the 2 step authentication to make it work with a previous version of RED. I think it was Eric who gave me the hint about it.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

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User 187934 Photo

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I still have 2 step enabled.
Try this.
Go to your Security tab and select App passwords in your Google account. Select Mail and the device type you are using. For me I selected Windows Computer. Click on Generate. Google will generate a 16 digit password for you to paste into the password field in RED for your gmail account.
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