Library Items - Strange Things...

User 2808717 Photo

Registered User
21 posts

There have been some very strange things happening with my library items.
1) when I first created a library item I wanted to import it into another project. When I opened that project (closing the other first, as I don't see how to have more than one project open) and looked for the library to import, there wasn't anything there to import. So I created another Lib in the original project, and repeated the process to import it into the other project. When I opened the 2nd project to import the Lib item, the first one was now in the 2nd project and so was the 2nd Lib item. I didn't import anything. Now Lib items appear in a project without any importing. I see a huge problem on the horizon. HELP!

2) I also found that somehow my Lib item became corrupted with an entire page of code. It had in it the code for one of my unopened pages! How did that happen? I removed it and even created duplicate Lib item and the edited one was filled again with phantom code! Below is the Lib code
**for the correct one**
Filename: TopNavMain.lbi

This is the nav bar across the top of the home page and on others with a layout like the home page

Code to be inserted:
<ul class="menu wrapper">
<li><a href="indexLIB-TEST.html">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="committeesLIB-TEST.html">Committees</a></li>
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**the code that was corrupted**
Filename: TopNavMainALLMESSEDUP.lbi

This is the nav bar across the top of the home page and on others with a layout like the home page

Code to be inserted:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/reset.css" type="text/css" media="screen">
<!--<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css" type="text/css" media="screen">-->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/styleGRAPHICS-TEST.css" type="text/css" media="screen">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/grid.css" type="text/css" media="screen">
<script src="js/jquery-1.6.3.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
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<!--[if lt IE 9]>
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<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/ie.css" type="text/css" media="screen">
<body id="page1">
<div class="bg">
<div class="menu-row">
<div class="main">
<!-- #BeginLibraryItem "TopNavMain.lbi" -->
<ul class="menu wrapper">
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<!-- #EndLibraryItem -->
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Any thoughts!

I am having a variety of problems which I will address in separate threads. Thanks
User 2484360 Photo

Registered User
3,293 posts

Hey Christy,

Christy Stevens wrote:

1) when I first created a library item I wanted to import it into another project. When I opened that project (closing the other first, as I don't see how to have more than one project open) and looked for the library to import, there wasn't anything there to import. So I created another Lib in the original project, and repeated the process to import it into the other project. When I opened the 2nd project to import the Lib item, the first one was now in the 2nd project and so was the 2nd Lib item. I didn't import anything. Now Lib items appear in a project without any importing. I see a huge problem on the horizon. HELP!

You do not have to worry there, as library items are global, which means they are shared among all projects. The import is used to import a shared library item from another person, or perhaps a backup of one you had deleted.

Christy Stevens wrote:

2) I also found that somehow my Lib item became corrupted with an entire page of code. It had in it the code for one of my unopened pages! How did that happen? I removed it and even created duplicate Lib item and the edited one was filled again with phantom code!

If you could open up a support ticket, provide the .lib file and the .html file it was added to, we would be happy to take a look.
User 2808717 Photo

Registered User
21 posts

Thanks Adam.

So, if I'm using a Lib item for say the nav bar, in multiple projects but the navs are different, then I should be giving them unique names to avoid conflicts, is that correct?

I will get a support ticket going. Thanks.

Having a lot of strange things happening, so I will probably just open tickets for this stuff if I need to, but I'll give you a run down on what's happening. If I need to open a ticket, just let me know and I will.

I'm going to attach a file here just in case you have any thoughts on this (unrelated to Lib stuff). I can't really say exactly why these happened but they happened one after another as I was closing each error message (except for the first one on the happened at another time).

Also, I am getting a lot of files in my project with this basic naming and I don't know why: ~tm41D.html - you can see this in the first error capture.

And, from time to time Editor goes bonkers and acts very erratically, such as when I select an open tab (page), I am suddenly taken out of Editor and end up on an open web page...not any page that has to do with CC or page previews or anything, just some page I might have open. Thoughts?

Also, when I close a project, why do all the pages stay open and not close with the project? Am I missing something?

Guess that's it for now :) I'm sure there'll be more.

Thanks again for the help!
User 2484360 Photo

Registered User
3,293 posts

Christy Stevens wrote:
Thanks Adam.

So, if I'm using a Lib item for say the nav bar, in multiple projects but the navs are different, then I should be giving them unique names to avoid conflicts, is that correct?

That is correct. It is always best to give your library items unique project based names. Like project-name-top-nav etc.

Christy Stevens wrote:
Also, I am getting a lot of files in my project with this basic naming and I don't know why: ~tm41D.html - you can see this in the first error capture.

The ~ indicates this is a temp file. It is used when you preview or open a file.

Christy Stevens wrote:
And, from time to time Editor goes bonkers and acts very erratically, such as when I select an open tab (page), I am suddenly taken out of Editor and end up on an open web page...not any page that has to do with CC or page previews or anything, just some page I might have open. Thoughts?

It sounds like you have a bad install. I would recommend removing the program, rebooting and reinstalling. Then make sure to run program as Admin.

Christy Stevens wrote:
Also, when I close a project, why do all the pages stay open and not close with the project? Am I missing something?

This is so you can copy code/text from one project to another. If those pages closed, then you would not have that ability. You can use the File > Close All option before opening the new project files.

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