Code goes black when I make an edit -...

User 3004870 Photo

Registered User
9 posts

Hi all, I am using version 18/890. Has the issue been fixed where as soon as an edit is made all the code goes black? I am getting fed up with having to edit another file and return where the colour is magically back!

User 556652 Photo

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155 posts

I think you need to report this to your Support Room from the menus.
Artist At Heart
User 3004870 Photo

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9 posts

OK thanks for replying. I will do.
User 2088758 Photo

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3,109 posts

Did you have any update on this issue. I have seen this question before? Im interested to see if there was a fix.
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User 3004870 Photo

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9 posts

Hi Steve,

Thanks for saving my sanity - I knew I had seen it before (maybe it was me who raised it a long time ago??)

I got this reply in Support from Bret Perryman...

I'm still unable to duplicate - even with php files. I'll add this to the list of bugs to investigate.

Did you check your "highlighting" tab (see attached).
Might be a good idea to check tht PHP-related highlight options.


User 122279 Photo

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Does this weird going black happen to every document you edit, or only PHP documents? And EVERY PHP doc?

I don't have many PHP docs, but I tested with a form back-end. If I place the '<>' at some random place, where those characters actually don't belong at all, I see that after having typed the '<', the orange highlighting of comments goes away, but as soon as I type the '>' the orange colour is back. That is the only weird thing happening here.
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User 3004870 Photo

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9 posts

I cannot replicate with .html or .js files.

.sql files are all black anyway.

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