Just bought new PC running W10 home V 1809 Build 17763.1. Installed all aps but needed to re-enter data for my FTP sites. Done this over two days using them as I entered data to check working. Come back to this ap now to find all data missing.
Any thoughts?
Eric Rohloff
Senior Advisor
20,248 posts Online Now
Hi Russ,
Sounds like a file has gotten corrupted. I would open a support topic and see if the CC gurus can get it fixed for ya.
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.
This is a site I built for my work.(RSD) http://esmansgreenhouse.com
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor) https://pestlogbook.com
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD) https://ericrohloff.com
Thanks Eric.
I'll give it a bit more time in forum then follow your advice.
I've just entered data again for three sites checked they are working and switched off for tonight .
Russ, if you have your old PC, go into C drive, users - your user name - AppData - Roaming and find a file named SharedSettings.ccs. Copy and paste it to the same location on the new machine. There might be such a file there already, but just overwrite it. Then open DFTP.
Well, you could always try just to delete the SharedSettings file from your new machine, if the problem is persisting. Next time you start DFTP, a new file will be generated, and maybe it will be better in keeping your entries.