Suggestions for CoffeeCup Visual Site...

User 164695 Photo

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17 posts

I'd like responsive designs. I know you can get them for the HTML Editor, but I like the simplicity of VSD, and the flexibility of having my website adjust for whatever device is displaying it.
User 501219 Photo

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6 posts

I don't know if I write in thge correct category here.... but how would it be possible to insert a "component" like a chat function on a VSD site. NOT hosted by Sdrive, but on our own webserver.
Like a "blog" feature, similar to this forum.
Maybe there already is a way....? or could be in the future?

User 2138674 Photo

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21 posts

How about following normal Microsoft Window Rules... Like if you change the size of the editor, the next time you open it, it comes up as the same size as when you closed it!

Why so few Text sizes in the Test Object Properties???
User 15653 Photo

Registered User
233 posts

Haven't seen a "snap to grid" feature with VSD. I've used it before with other programs for web layout and it's pretty sweet so hopefully will be a included feature in future updates.
User 1861272 Photo

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339 posts

This may have been mentioned before but when doing a copy/paste from Word any periods (.) turn into a small box. I also find that some other puncuation changes, mostly the apostrophe.
User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

Tim Banish Sr wrote:
This may have been mentioned before but when doing a copy/paste from Word any periods (.) turn into a small box. I also find that some other punctuation changes, mostly the apostrophe.

One very important thing about copying and pasting things from programs ESPECIALLY Word and it's derivatives is that you should never paste it directly into VSD from there or into any other program you are building websites with.

Always use Notepad (standard with all Windows versions) first and paste into there, then copy it from there into VSD or your other programs.

This isn't a VSD issue, it's a Word issue and the problem is that it copies hidden formats from the Word into the other programs and messes them up.

Unfortunately that means no, you should not design things in Word first and then put them into VSD or anywhere else. Hope that helps, even though I'm sure it's not the answer you want to hear.
User 601710 Photo

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114 posts

Jo Ann wrote:
... Always use Notepad (standard with all Windows versions) first and paste into there, then copy it from there into VSD or your other programs.

This isn't a VSD issue, it's a Word issue and the problem is that it copies hidden formats from the Word into the other programs and messes them up.

Unfortunately that means no, you should not design things in Word first and then put them into VSD or anywhere else. Hope that helps, even though I'm sure it's not the answer you want to hear.

See "Convert Word documents to clean HTML" and post for "Nov 5th, 2012 at 07:33 AM". Might help with Word on those times you must use content from it for a web page.

User 2111660 Photo

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43 posts

Just encountered a conundrum: I wanted to have a background image centered (and thus NOT tiled) and I also wanted to set a default background color for when the page is viewed on a screen with wider and/or taller dimensions than the background image -- but I couldn't, because the Page Properties dialog has those settings mutually exclusive via radiobuttons :|.
The sky is high, unless you're in orbit!
User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,226 posts

Take a look at center design.:)
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 2111660 Photo

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43 posts

So, I created an image in Web Image Studio, exported it as a PNG and then loaded it as an image in VSD. Then, not fully satisfied with it, I went back to WIS and altered the image and then exported it giving the file the same name (essentially overwriting it). Then, back in VSD, I wanted to update the image with the new file, but I couldn't find a way. I've got the image all nicely aligned, so I really don't want to delete it and then insert the new image and then get it all aligned again -- but that appears to be the only way!

You can do this with a background image, but not with an <img /> image.
The sky is high, unless you're in orbit!

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