Post your website here! - Post ID 236769

User 495282 Photo

Registered User
132 posts

Thanks for the kind and generous I need to invoice an attorney!
Booth Kates


User 495282 Photo

Registered User
132 posts

Adding the finishing touches to another website for a local restaurant. Let me know what you think. Temporarily housed at
Booth Kates


User 2088758 Photo

Senior Advisor
3,109 posts

Nice home page Booth, I assume you are not finished yet as all the pages are the same.
Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

YouTube Channel: … ttneYaMSJA
User 495282 Photo

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132 posts

Actually Steve each page is different if you scroll down to view more content. Eventually each page will have a different slide. Right now the home page includes a slide show, the rest of the pages only have a "placeholder" slide. Client is still deciding on those. The menu page and contact pages are complete with a smooth scrolling effect (on the menu page) to reach some of the food categories. Hope this makes sense. The "specials" listed at the top of each page will change with the day. This one is Monday's special. Each day the banner will change.
Booth Kates


User 2088758 Photo

Senior Advisor
3,109 posts

Oh I didn't even notice. It may be something you want to address. Maybe add a solid background below as I fear their customers might assume the same thing.

Other then that very attractive looking site.
Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

YouTube Channel: … ttneYaMSJA
User 495282 Photo

Registered User
132 posts

Good idea. Each page will have a slide specific for that page. In other words, the "catering" page will probably have a slide of the delivery vehicles, the "who we are" page will be a slide of the owners and/or employees, etc. (The owners of the business are still sorting through a number of pictures I have submitted to them). I think that will avoid the confusion. If not, back to the drawing board.
Booth Kates


User 2273654 Photo

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772 posts

Booth Kates, I think that your restaurant site is brilliantly attractive. I really like the way that the content scrolls over the background and the use of transparency to achieve the effect. Color choices and contrasts are very appealing. The food appears to be gourmet and very appetizing. I think that if the site has good SEO it should do well for the restaurant.
My CC S-drive site
User 495282 Photo

Registered User
132 posts

Thanks Greg for the kind compliments. Now if I only could work some magic with Google, Bing, and Yahoo for the ultimate search engine results. It seems so hit and miss at times.
Booth Kates


User 495282 Photo

Registered User
132 posts

I have another one I am working on for a local coffee shop at . Still in the planning with content, but the same type of background treatment. Let me know what you think.
Booth Kates


User 2273654 Photo

Registered User
772 posts

Booth Kates, The coffee site is just as good if not better, but the really important thing is traffic to the site. I knew a roofing contractor who had made his own site that basically was a lot of blog pages that were pretty hideously ugly. He claimed to get lots of business from his site. I guess that as ugly as the site was it had reasonably good SEO. So it is really more important to have good SEO. You can have the worlds greatest looking and working site and get no traffic which is disaster. Probably have to spend 3 times the time of work on the site working on the SEO to get it right. For 6 years my site looked OK but was virtually invisible on the web and I was never getting any site visits, so the site was virtually worthless. That was when I was using Front Pg. Express, and learned to put up the site and create from a self trained DIYer.
I bought the CC super pack of software several years ago and proceeded to remake the worthless site and put it back up on my netfirms provider account that I had had for 6 or 7 years at the time. Used the visual site designer. The site was looking and working much better but was still not getting any hits. So it looked better and worked better but was still worthless.
I just looked at your web site design site on another opened up browser. Seems you are a professional web site designer so you should already know about SEO. I would mention the Search engine optimization on your own site and offer another category for service in that area to your customers. Or incorporate it into your maintenance and service categories. Start designing sites that are responsive and convert your own to responsive.
I plan on remaking my site soon and using the website insight that I have recently purchased to help get the SEO as good as possible . Will make it responsive and try to get it as visually appealing as your sites are.
I guess that if you are getting good traffic to your sites then they are practically perfect, except for not being responsive.
The way I got good SEO originally was to do searches and study the SEO of sites that were coming up tops on the searches I want my site to do well on and then paraphrase their SEO structure into my site and add to that. Put the site up on the S-drive because it is so much faster than other servers. Put in good meta data and add to content to repeat and back it up. Add lots of alternate text so as to strengthen and reinforce the meta data and grow the SEO. Submit to the important search engines and put in the bot identity search codes and stay current.
My CC S-drive site

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