Hiya MJ (think I'm getting caught up here now lol)
I have a few comments for your sites, but I must say for the most part I really do like them, very nice job and definitely shows what can be done with VSD, it's definitely a well rounded program. So here goes:
This one is really well done, I'm wondering, do you plan to make a shop for them with the SCC Pro program? You should consider it, people being able to purchase online may make a world of difference in their sales. Just a thought
Other than that, I didn't see anything really needing fixing here.
This one has a few things that I just find different from the norm. The first one would be on your Attractions page. Usually you find linked items in colored text, and words and phrases with no links in them in black. On this page you have it the other way around which was a bit strange and just seems backwards. Not really a "wrong" thing, just diff from the norm. Also it's different from your other pages such as the Testimonials, although they have links in the headings for each one, they are colored text not black.
The other thing that was a little overdone were the Arrows on the front page each having a link to the home page that you are on. I'm not sure if that was intended, but it's... weird and overkill for a link I think.
Other than that, this site looks pretty good too
The main thing I see here is your news and events taking people to Facebook is ... nasty LOL. Not sure if others like that, but I hate it when sites take me to places outside of their website for something I think should be on the website itself. Not that I don't like Facebook (really don't care one way or the other about it), but that is a misleading link as that's not news and events and to be honest it's not a very good way to make your visitors find events and news when a site gets full of comments and such from others all over the place like Facebook does. People could end up searching Facebook all over the place just to find your News and Events that they expected to be on your site.
Just my opinion on this, and others may not agree so that's ok lol.
That's about the only thing I saw on this site that I felt needed a comment.
Other than that, the only other thing I'd suggest is to take your email addresses off the site as copyable and searchable by bots. The best way is to create an image with the info on it and that way bots can't spider that and spam your emails or your clients with garbage, and they surly will without a doubt.
Great job on the sites, keep up the good work, and don't take my comments to heart if you don't agree, they are mostly just what I think