Post your website here! - Post ID 134533

User 1965015 Photo

Registered User
81 posts

Thanks for taking a look Tom, and for your kind words also.

No hack needed, you can pick whatever color you want in Photo Gallery. Go to Albums, under the Advanced tab you can change the background color for the image captions.

Like most of the excellent flexibility in Photo Gallery, the only trick is in knowing where you are in the tool so you can find the change you want quickly.

Hope this helps.

"You can see a lot, just by looking."

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User 364143 Photo

5,410 posts

Cool, thanks. I know the suggestion was made to change the caption because the gray was a bit ugly, but I hadn't realized it was done in an update. :)
CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!
User 2117169 Photo

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3 posts

Still under construction lots of work still on the way. Though I would appreciate any suggestions or concerns to help the site look a little more proffesional/clean.
User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

Thomas... difficult subject there. I would just go for clean, simple and with as few gimicks as possible I think. Maybe the drop shadow on the main titles is a bit much?
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Hiya Thomas,

I would resize your turkey picture outside of the program and readd it into your site as it's pretty distorted looking. Stretching pictures inside VSD isn't the best way to try to size your images for quality and of course things like this with distortion of sizing.
User 364143 Photo

5,410 posts

Also, your nav buttons are click able but the overlying text on the buttons are not. :(
CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!
User 539237 Photo

Registered User
241 posts

Hi Thomas,
A Couple more comments,
The links in blue are barely readable against the black background.
I would move the light blue panel down a fair bit because it obscures the drop shadow of the title or alternatively remove the drop shadow as Janys has already suggested.
Remove the black border round the online database text or make it a great deal thinner.

Just my thoughts

When I stop learning please check for signs of life.
User 2117169 Photo

Registered User
3 posts

Thanks guys! As for the pictures on the main tabs, they are place holders. As for the shadows, what would better replace them? I like the look, but the site is definitley lacking in polish. I have a friend who does web design for a living, telling me to steer clear of the VSD and told me of all these flash programs, and HTML editors.

I like the VSD and the fact that it is something simple enough for ME to use. I also appreciate the feedback, though I would still like tips on how to clean up/polish the site. Easy ways to create objects with a convexed apperance, I have done gradients, and multiple layers. I just am not able to create what I have seen on other sites.

Thanks for the help, you guys rock!
User 2117169 Photo

Registered User
3 posts

BTW my background with anything related to graphic design is pretty minimal, I can draw some pretty wicked sprites!:| I just enjoy learning, and I have done quite a bit of work with google sketchup, but that is really the full extent of anything...slightly technical.

Thanks again.

I do prefer the shadows, though I am always open to suggestions or alternatives.

As for the text, I have not figured out how to keep them turning blue and underling whenever I link the text, so I am just going to replace those boxes with pictures. Though if there was a simpler way(which I am sure there is) I would appreciate it.

User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Hiya Thomas,

I don't think the text shadows of the logo is the issue as it looks really really good as far as looking at just that part of the site, but...

I think what was hinted at is that with this type of business, the last thing people want to see on a site like this is flashy and awesome looking, I don't think what people are looking for will be how beautiful the website looks if they are actually seeking out a cemetary. Mostly they will want to make sure that they can find all the information they need there. Yes it should look nice, and it surely does, but not too flashy if you know what I mean. I'm pretty sure that was the hint about the logo text being a bit much for this type of business. In general it would look very nice on most normal sites :)

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