Post your website here! - Post ID 133949

User 1965015 Photo

Registered User
81 posts

My new photography site is now online (all using Coffee Cup software). It showcases my landscape, nature, and other images.

Built using VSD, Photo Gallery, Flash Firestarter, Form Builder (also Color Schemer for design and Website Access Manager for testing.)

Any and all thoughts, comments and suggestions will be appreciated.

Also, the main missing piece is the Shopping Cart - I'm really looking forward to the release of Shopping Cart Creator Pro so I can incorporate its capabilities into a site store. Thanks.

Jim Harrison

"You can see a lot, just by looking."

Main Site:

User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

@George: Looks great, nice job on the trophy too and even though you can kind of see the coloring on the player corners, it does look better that way than it was in white on the bluegray. You're quite welcome for the images, glad they worked out for ya, enjoy! :)

@Jim: Very nice site Jim, and definitely awesome photos. Thanks for sharing and hope the site does well for you!
User 612667 Photo

Registered User
252 posts

Hello everyone,

I would like to know what everyone thinks of my website? Everything was made with Coffeecup software including my online gallery. Thanks!

Carlos Regueira -

User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Hiya Catalina,

Site looks great and looks like you solved the image issue you were having too, good job. I do have a couple of suggestions for you though.

1. Change your menu on your main home page so that it's not a Gallery, but either a Store or a Shop or something as Gallery to me at least, sounds like a photo gallery of your products rather than a place you can actually purchase it. Once you settle on a name (even if you keep this one) change the name on your Shop Home button of your site to reflect the same name so your menu looks more consistent with your external pages.

2. Remove the items from your cart that are sold until the Pro version of the Cart Creator is released. As it sits now, even though you have the Sold on there, people still "can" add it to a cart and purchase it. Although most people will not be doing that, just the idea that it's possible for someone to accidentally spend hundreds of dollars is a little scary. Once the pro version is out we'll have more control of inventory with our products so it will mark it sold for us and will leave it up so people can see it yet they won't be able to purchase it at all.

Other than those things, I like it, good job!
User 612667 Photo

Registered User
252 posts

Hi Jo Ann,

Thank you for your comments but I think I will keep online gallery, although I was thinking of changing it to just gallery. In this type of business the people who purchase from me actually know exactly what this means. We are an art gallery and sell pre-columbian art. If you go to this site here which also sells different kinds of art like ours they also have there store named gallery.


I can show you many others who are also in this business who have it this way. As for the shop howme button I never changed this because I honestly do not know how to. :( I also was trying to figure out if I could chage the add to cart button to something better looking but cannot figure out if this can be done. Thanks again!

Carlos Regueira -

User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Hiya Catalina,

No worries on the name of the gallery button if that works for your type of site then that's good to go. As for naming the other buttons, all but the Home button I think can be renamed ( I think the cart one can but I never tried it so not positive) by going to the Page button on your top menu. Then on the right you'll see the list of site pages. Click the page you want to change and hit the little button above that stands for Edit. Type the new name in the box and you're all set :)
User 612667 Photo

Registered User
252 posts

Ok, thank you!
Carlos Regueira -

User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

You're quite welcome, hollar if you need anything else and we'll do what we can :)
User 1965015 Photo

Registered User
81 posts

Thanks for the very nice complements Jo Ann! Anyone else have thoughts/comments on my new photography site?

Thanks again to all the Coffee Cup folks for their great array of tools.

Jim H.

"You can see a lot, just by looking."

Main Site:

User 364143 Photo

5,410 posts

Hey Jim, the site looks great. I noticed the photo description bar is not ugly gray but green. Does the app allow color changes now or did you hack something?
CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!

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