Simmo wrote:
The work flow I would like to see in your site designs is much along the lines of the Dreamweaver template system where you create a template page , set editable regions etc then from that template create child pages to build the site. Then when an edit needs to be made site wide it can be done on the template page and the edit flows thru. Pinegrow have done this quite well albeit a little complicated but it is morphing into a very workable solution where as Dreamweaver is bloated and horrible and I dislike the Adobe subscription model.
Is this sort of thing in the future for Coffee Cup site designers (BB, FB and RSD) ?
But you can do that now with Bootstrap Builder and Foundation Framer Bruce by using Symbols. To create your Symbol, select the element (s) in the design pane and then go to the Content pane and click Symbols and then New Symbol. You can then add that newly created Symbol to any page, and when you make a modification, those changes will automatically be made to any page in your project file that uses that symbol.
Select the Row that you have your navigation in and then go to the Content pane and then click Symbols and then New Symbol (give it a useful name). Now if you add that symbol to any page, that navigation will appear. If you make a change on any page within that symbol, the changes will automatically apply to all pages using that Symbol as well.