Suggestions for Bootstrap Builder -...

User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
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We want your ideas, suggestions, and comments about Bootstrap Builder. So tell us: How can we make the software even better? Remember, our products are here for you guys, so we want to make them the very best we can :)

This thread is for Suggestions for Bootstrap Builder - please no problem questions. Have a problem or question or want to chit chat about this program then Start a new thread please.
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 2846109 Photo

341 posts

With so many templates and themes available out there for Bootstrap sites; it would be amazing to be able to one day open them inside of BB to edit and customize with the software. Even if there was an additional 'import' add-on that was needed it would still be a great addition.

I guess the same would apply to Foundation Framer but there is so much more available for Bootstrap right now. (built with Bootstrap Builder)
Video Tutorials - … EKA/videos
The Universe from A to Z - (built with Foundation Framer)
User 436826 Photo

Registered User
4 posts

I agree Jeff. Coffeecup makes great software. But, I am getting really frustrated with some of the limitations common to RSD, FF and BB, especially, FF and BB.

Will you add the ability to allow for importing third party Bootstrap and Foundation themes into FF and BB. This is critical for fast prototyping and client site building.

I am currently using so many apps right now for my web design business that I am going nuts trying to land on one or two good tools for my foundation products. Currently, I use the following, which all show great promise:

1. Webflow
2. Stackhive
3. Mobirise
4. Pinegrow
5. Pingendo
6. Script Eden's Free Bootstrap Builder
7. Dudamobile
8. Artisteer
9. Template Toaster
10. Serif Webplus X8

And a ton of others. So much competition. So hard to keep up. I have literally tested 40 apps in the last 6 months, while trying to run a business and not one has all of the features needed in one app. Pinegrow, Webflow and Stackhive are probably the best so far. But your apps could surpass all of them with a few teaks here and there.

I have 29 years of combine experience in the graphics, printing and web design industries. I have so many suggestions and ideas to improve your apps. I want to stay away from Wordpress for so many reasons too long to list here, an desperate for a solution!

I can code, but don't want to, or as little as possible. With the help of frameworks like Bootstrap and Foundation, we are so close to a truly clean code generating/unbloated WYSIWYG editor.

My business depends on it.
User 2759283 Photo

Registered User
6 posts

Yes, the ability to import is a must. And please, unlike Pinegrow, release your documentation in PDF form.

Thank you!
User 379556 Photo

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1,554 posts

The new Fallback Font facility seems to me excellent.

I haven't found any quick way of seeing the full effect of using a particular fallback font. If such a facility is not already present, would perhaps a 'Preview on ... with fallback fonts' button be useful please?

User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Frank Cook wrote:
The new Fallback Font facility seems to me excellent.

I haven't found any quick way of seeing the full effect of using a particular fallback font. If such a facility is not already present, would perhaps a 'Preview on ... with fallback fonts' button be useful please?


The easiest way to test that is to preview your website and then disable your Internet connection so that the Google font cannot be accessed. Then do a hard refresh in your browser and the fallback font will appear.
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 379556 Photo

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1,554 posts

Scott, thanks for that. I'm glad I asked!

User 2762287 Photo

Registered User
1 post

What if commands could be added to right click menu. Let´s say i don´t use "go to" but instead i want the "position:display" properties in the right click menu as i use it very frecuentely.

Great site, great software!
User 2590444 Photo

Registered User
42 posts

Firstly I agree 100% with Ron Mark's post and echo his words.

I love and use your apps - Content Slider is awesome as is Form Builder - although it needs to step up to become a little more design flexible

However I really like BB and if it follows FB & RSD it will be a winner however the one thing that will stop me really using BB or FB seriously is the fact that you cant create a site with multiple pages then make an edit on a master page and have the edit flow through to all child pages.

The work flow I would like to see in your site designs is much along the lines of the Dreamweaver template system where you create a template page , set editable regions etc then from that template create child pages to build the site. Then when an edit needs to be made site wide it can be done on the template page and the edit flows thru. Pinegrow have done this quite well albeit a little complicated but it is morphing into a very workable solution where as Dreamweaver is bloated and horrible and I dislike the Adobe subscription model.

Is this sort of thing in the future for Coffee Cup site designers (BB, FB and RSD) ?

User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Simmo wrote:

The work flow I would like to see in your site designs is much along the lines of the Dreamweaver template system where you create a template page , set editable regions etc then from that template create child pages to build the site. Then when an edit needs to be made site wide it can be done on the template page and the edit flows thru. Pinegrow have done this quite well albeit a little complicated but it is morphing into a very workable solution where as Dreamweaver is bloated and horrible and I dislike the Adobe subscription model.

Is this sort of thing in the future for Coffee Cup site designers (BB, FB and RSD) ?

But you can do that now with Bootstrap Builder and Foundation Framer Bruce by using Symbols. To create your Symbol, select the element (s) in the design pane and then go to the Content pane and click Symbols and then New Symbol. You can then add that newly created Symbol to any page, and when you make a modification, those changes will automatically be made to any page in your project file that uses that symbol.

Select the Row that you have your navigation in and then go to the Content pane and then click Symbols and then New Symbol (give it a useful name). Now if you add that symbol to any page, that navigation will appear. If you make a change on any page within that symbol, the changes will automatically apply to all pages using that Symbol as well.

Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.

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