Responsive Email Designer is available in two versions: Personal and Business. RED Personal focuses on a core-set of features and options to produce a responsive email. RED for Business builds on top of the Personal version and allows for designing with "progressive enhancement" to improve the design for supporting clients. We explain what this means further in this detailed article.
Which version is right for you?
RED Personal is for individuals and small businesses that want the flexibility of writing and adjusting their own newsletters. In this version, we concentrated on ease of use and display consistency with little or no exceptions. This version can be used to design and create simple yet solid email marketing campaigns.
RED for Business takes email design and newsletter creation to a new level. This version is for designers, digital agencies, and businesses that want to create exceptional newsletters and promotional campaigns. Seasoned front-end designers and developers that have shied away from HTML email design and coding will love the familiarity with a normal web design workflow.
This list of options includes the top features which are only available in RED for Buisness. Personal users will need to upgrade to access these tools:
Under the Layout Tab
- Wide Column
- Wide Column No Gutter
- Default Breakpoint setting
Under the Elements Tab
- Button
- Container
- Image 3x4
- UL Link
- Image + Text
- Text + Image
- Social Icon
Under the Design Tab for Elements
- Apply To
- Background Images
- Background Gradient
- Class
- Hide
- ID
- Margins
- Radius
- Spacing - Letter (px)
- Shadow
Under the Design Tab for Body
- Apply To
- Background Images
- Background Gradient
- Class
- ID
- Min-height
- Padding
- Shadow
Under the Design Tab for Rows
- Apply To
- Background Images
- Background Gradient
- Class
- Corners
- Hide
- ID
- Margins
- Min-height
- Padding
Under the Design Tab for Columns
- Apply To
- Background Images
- Background Gradient
- Class
- Corners
- Hide
- ID
- Margins
- Min-height
- Vertical Align
Not sure what to get? When in doubt, always go Business!
If you have the Personal version and would like to upgrade to Business, no problem! Just open a support ticket and we can discuss your options.