Problems with user rights as "user"...

User 629005 Photo

2,174 posts

Nils - It is sounding like you are using a user account that does not have high enough authorization (ie Admin rights) to make the changes... I don't remember enough about XP (didn't like it and used Linux/Vista rather than suffer ;) ), but there should be a way to change your permissions or log in as admin (even if you don't 'see' an admin account). You might try Googling for default info of admin access, seems to me there is a backdoor into the account.
Living the dream, stocking the cream :D
User 132952 Photo

3,120 posts

Is your "Program Files" folder really just c:\Program? I see the attached errors show a path of c:\program rather than the standard c:\program files\. That might be related.
User 2223151 Photo

10 posts

Adam, the path is OK! Of some reason (always wondered why) all installations I have seen i Sweden are located in the C:\Program folder even if C:\Program Files are created.

Inger, good work finding that on out BUT it still do not work. I am not aloud to save or execute the change.

Any more suggestions?
User 122279 Photo

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I don't know, Adam. This must be a Swedish Windows version. The Norwegian version has 'c:\programfiler\', and that causes no problem at all.

Nils, I've been in touch with Scott from the CC staff, and he says that it most likely is a configuration problem on your system.

Some of the things he points out are:

Things that can cause the error:

a) Non Admin account
b) Firewall
c) Anti-virus program
d) Must be on XP/SP3 IE or greater.
e) Did a custom install and installed the software to a non standard location.

If you check through the list and see something that you have done differently, then you'd better have another go at it.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 2223151 Photo

10 posts

Hi Inger,

Thank you for checking, appreciate it!

a) I DO want to use CC from a normal user account with limited rights.

That is what I meant by my headline "Problems with user rights as "user" but not when "administrator" :-).

I am the administrator so I have access to the admin account but after a major malicious internet attack a month ago I am very reluctant to work under admin account again. I hope next attacker will have the same problems that I do now :-)

Does Scott mean that I can not use CC from a none admin account?

b) c) I will reinstall CC without Norton Internet Security active, just in case!

d) Yes i have XP/SP3

4) Standard installation

It is now 11.20 am and I better get some sleep.

Will look in tomorrow. Good night!
User 629005 Photo

2,174 posts

Nils - I still think you NEED to be logged in as Admin in order to CHANGE the properties of the program (ie. "Run As Admin").
MS UAC Info wrote:
Two major problems with using Standard user accounts are encountered with Windows XP and earlier versions of Windows:

Users cannot install software, change the system time, install printers, change power settings, add a WEP key for wireless settings, or perform other common tasks that require elevated privileges.
Many applications require administrative privileges and do not run correctly with limited privileges.
Living the dream, stocking the cream :D
User 2223151 Photo

10 posts


I am aware of the limitations in user accounts, that is the whole purpose by having admin vs user accounts, so that is not the issue.

I have installed CoffeeCup three times (reinstalled it twice) from the admin account since this is the way to do it BUT I want to USE it from the user account!

I asked this forum to see if anyone knew why I cannot run CC from a user account and if possible what I could do to have it work. If I am going to buy CoffeeCup I would like to know that I can use it without any problems and that is not the case now.

Today I use Word, Excel, Filemaker Pro, WebEasy, Adobe Acrobat, Photoshop, Internet Explore, Firefox, CCleaner, NIS, WinRar and about 50 more programs FROM the user accounts without any problems or limitations (all installed from Admin account). Why not CoffeeCup?

In all fairness I should mention that I have had problems with one more program and that is AceHTML 5 Pro (text-editor like CC) and the reason why I am looking for another text-editor :-(. Are the two programs related :-)

Sorry if I sound grumpy but it´s very late (1 am!) and I will have to let it go.
User 629005 Photo

2,174 posts

I'm not saying that you need to log in as Admin everytime, to USE the program. What I am trying to say is that you will NEED to log in as Admin to CHANGE the properties of the program (right click, go to properties, change to "Run as Admin"). Then you can log out and get back in as a standard user. From then on when you click on the icon to open the editor, it will automatically "Run as Admin" behind the scenes.

As to WHY do some people have to do this, and others don't? Or why some programs and others are fine? Who the heck knows, I doubt that even MicroSoft themselves know the answers. (BTW I have to run my Filemaker PRO as Admin on Win7 64-bit Ultimate, so guess you got lucky there ;) ).

The main point to realize here is, CC software WILL NOT pose any security threats to your system by running as admin. If it did, I'm sure there would be a huge flood of complaints on these forums about it, and CC wouldn't have had time to develop the awesome egg hunt two years running ;).

Living the dream, stocking the cream :D
User 122279 Photo

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I think that the newer versions of CC HTML Editor were designed with Vista or Win7 in mind, where you are able to choose the option 'Run as Admin'.

Your XP version, is that a Home or a Pro version? The machine I borrowed last night was Home, and the only alternative to Admin was 'limited user'. If you have a Pro version, I seem to remember that you have more options and also the ability to assign permissions to various user groups.

I have no more suggestions, sorry!
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 2223151 Photo

10 posts

Good morning,

Inger, I have XP Pro and the extra option I have is to let the user accout become a admin account BUT then what is the point to have a user accout :-).

I have sent a support ticekt and asked, ..

- if it IS possible to run CC from a user account with limited rights.
- if so how to install because I have tried MANY alternatives by now.

Many of the programs I install will ask you if to install for "Only you as the user" or "For all users on this machine" which solves the problem. Unfortuately CC does not ask this queestion :-(.

Phil, I have already done the way you suggest but with same result, not solving the problem :-(.

When it comes to CoffeeCup I do not se CC as a threat at all. The problem I want to solve is when programs are running with admin rights because I now know the hard way that the computer is very vunerable.

When we where attacked a month ago we had trojans and other malware entering the system in milliseconds before we could turn of the machines. The Norton Firewall and Virus program we have installed did not pick up the threat and in the end I had to reinstall everything :-(. If I would have used user accounts with limited rights, this would probably not happened.

Now lets see what the support says.

Have a nice day.

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