linking website to shopping cart??? -...

User 2211905 Photo

21 posts

I am using a trial version of shopping cart pro. Love it. Easy to create a shopping cart.
However. There is zero information on how to link your product page to the cart. I know
how to create a button but have no idea what info to put in the link? I need to know how
to direct it to Add to Cart and I also need to know how to link a View Cart button?

I'm thinking there needs to be a "create add to cart button" option that tells you what
link to use to do so, or??

I hope my dilema is clear. So far I really like the product, but need to know how to
connect my products to the shopping cart.

User 187934 Photo

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The program generates all the necessary links. When customer click on a product they will get the add to cart button at the product level and when they click it it will take them to the cart if you have that option checked otherwise they can keep shopping.:)
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User 2211905 Photo

21 posts

How is that possible. How does shopping cart creator connect with my website.

When I am on my web page where I am advertising my product . . . what do they click on to Add To Cart?

I must put a button on my website, right?

When I do that, where do I direct the button to?

I have a shopping cart and I have a web site. How do I connect the two???
Is that more clear?

Thanks Eric
User 282670 Photo

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3,940 posts

info can be works for me:)

User 2211905 Photo

21 posts

Okay . . . so I put that link on every "ADD TO CART" button with each product on my website and it will add each individual product to the cart when clicked on?

If yes, then what address do I use for a "View Cart" button?

User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
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Kathi Register wrote:
Okay . . . so I put that link on every "ADD TO CART" button with each product on my website and it will add each individual product to the cart when clicked on?

If yes, then what address do I use for a "View Cart" button?


I think you maybe over thinking this process. Shopping Cart Creator generates everything you need to power your shop. You do not have to do anything but upload it to your server. Checkout our own SWAG shop here at to see it in action.

If you find uploading with FTP a bit cumbersome, you should check out our S-Drive service that is fully integrated into Shopping Cart Creator (Basic and Pro). With just a few steps, you can publish to our service and be amazed at how much faster it is.

1. First, you need to create your S-Drive Account

2. Next, sign up for the S-Drive Shopkeeper plan

3. Click the Server toolbar icon, select S-Drive Account and enter in your CoffeeCup account information. Now select the address that you want to publish your shop to in the section that says Choose where you would like to publish this shop:

4. Click Publish

If you like what you see, you can even point your very own domain name over to your S-Drive account as well. Enjoy!
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User 282670 Photo

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3,940 posts

you list your products in the cart program, then the items on your pages in the website have you view cart button linked as above....then they will choose your item in the cart program you made

User 2211905 Photo

21 posts

Sorry for being a pain, but how do they distinguish between products. If all the buttons for each individual product have the same link, how is there a distinction as to what product is being added to the cart.

I need more than just a general "go to shopping cart." I need, "add this specific product to cart"
as well as a "view cart" link and a "check out now" link.

I got this link by viewing the source from someone else's coffee cup site. When I clicked on the button with this link it added their product to the cart and never left their site, so I could continue shopping.:
http: … groupid=29

Where does this come from? Where do I find the proper link for each individual item that I have on my web site so people can add their item to the cart and continue shopping?

User 2211905 Photo

21 posts

Example. Go here: … groupid=29

Notice she has an add to cart button that puts that item in her coffee cup shopping cart cart without leaving that page.

That is what I need to know how to do.

I know how to make a button and link it. I just don't know how to get the right address to link each
product on my website to the shopping cart in this way.

This should be such simple info, very obvious for web site owners. I know that when I send a person to the shopping cart they can choose items there, but I don't want to do that. I want them to be on my site, add the product to the cart and remain on my site and not have to go to the cart until they are ready to view the cart or check out.

A bit frustrated.
User 187934 Photo

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Donna, The shop you were looking at was made completely with the program. The home link on the shop will take you to a website made with Artisteer website design software. There's choices for what will appear on the shop home page. The program does everything for you. You can create a custom home page for your shop or have a link back to you home page right in the shop navigation menu. With all the included themes that either have top or side navigation the design process is quite easy. First if you want different categories for your products create those first. Now add the products to the categories that they fit. All the necessary links will be generated for a fully operational online shop. Now there's some custom html coding that can be done on your pages but I would suggest you get familiar with the stock setup before you monkey with this option. You won't have to put links to your products on your website but you can once you publish your site and have the final link location established. If you still need some assistance just post back. We'll get your shop working.:)
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)

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