space between links - Post ID 895

User 441224 Photo

Trial User
5 posts

I used a layout from the coffee cut html editor, and it is fine EXCEPT, when I make a link in the page, it puts a bunch of space in between them. I don't want all that space in between my links.


those links have way to much space in between them. I tried removing the <p></p> codes around them that were default in the table, but there is something driving the links to spread so far apart like that and I cannot figure out how to change it.
User 122279 Photo

Senior Advisor
14,506 posts

Is this better? Try replacing the whole div id="navigation" with this:

<div id="navigation">
<p><strong><h5>Most Popular Articles</h5></strong></p><a href="articles2008/createwebsitblog.html" title="Create A Website">Create A Website Steps</a><a href="articles2008/workfromhome.html" title="workfromhome">Work from Home</a><a href="articles2008/habitsofhighachievers.html">Habits of High Achievers</a><a href="articles2008/actdontreact.html" title="actdontreact">Act Don't React</a><a href="articles2008/startingabusiness.html" title="startingabusiness">Starting A Business</a><a href="articles2008/justdoit.html" title="justdoit">Just Do It</a><a href="articles2008/dontsleepitaway.html" title="dontsleepitaway">Don't Sleep It Away</a><a href="articles2008/internetmarketing.html" title="internetmarketing">Internet Marketing</a>
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 441224 Photo

Trial User
5 posts

There are still large spaces after doing that. It is not just those links, but if you go to the page now, in the middle I have two links that were going to just be mixed in with the text, and it spread them way apart and forces the commas after them to the next line and that is really goofy too. That did not fix it but thanks for trying. :/
User 441224 Photo

Trial User
5 posts

I have managed so far to fix the left nav, it was a block command in the stylesheet that comes in that layout. But I still cannot figure out how to fix those in the text. I really want to be able to have just random links within my text without making a new line, I'll keep tinkering.
User 441224 Photo

Trial User
5 posts

a{display:block;color: #1014BA;padding:3px}

here is what is causing the trouble; if I take this out of the stylesheet, then the intermittent text links work fine but then the left nav becomes a mess. If i leave this command in, the left nav looks great, but it forces returns in the intermittent text links. What to do? lol
User 441224 Photo

Trial User
5 posts

As a temp solution, I removed the block and replaced with inline. I will just have to add physical <br> codes on the left nav. It was kind of either or cause I could not figure out how to override the block inside of the body code. I'm sure there must be a way, I'm just not advanced enough to know what it is! lol
User 282670 Photo

Registered User
3,940 posts

web weaver, my suggestion would be 2 things.
remove the <br> tags before the links, and get rid of the closing body and html tags below the links, they are not needed there and html editor puts those darn things in there for some reason or another. should look like this.
<div><table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#ffffff">
<tr valign="top">
<td><a href="index.html" title="Self Sources Successful Life Management">Home</a>
<td><a href="articles.html" title="Self Sources Articles">Articles</a>
<td><a href="books.html" title="Self Sources Books">Books</a>
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User 355448 Photo

3,144 posts

The space between your links is a variable space. Try changing the width of your browser window, and notice how the links close up as the window gets smaller. This is likely caused by a small piece of code:
<div><table width="100%"... I left the remainder of the code off since it does not seem to be the problem. Try setting the table width to something like 600 pixels so the code starts off like this:
<div><table width="600px"

Try that and see if things look better.

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