removing gaps or borders between...

User 355448 Photo

3,144 posts

I have a page where the top and bottom are to be constant, and the middle scrolls to provide access to the data. I am using frames, but I am willing to change (I may try an iframe later tonight).

The page is … _frame.php

My issue is that there is either a border between the frames, or a blank space between the frames. I want to have a seamless background and not see the line between the frames. I have tried using the frameborder setting, I have tried CSS border=0. I have set the background for the frameset to be the background I want to use.

I know I have seen a page (or maybe more) where I had to look at the code to see that they were using frames, and the frame joints were seamless.
User 132952 Photo

3,120 posts

Frameborder didn't work? That's weird. Or maybe you had border set (in frameset) to 0, but not the "frameborder." I had this page up for a sample of frames in VSD:
The page loading all the frames has the following:
<frameset rows="20%,*" border="0">
<frame name="Top" src="top.html" marginwidth="10" marginheight="10" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0">
<frameset cols="20%,*" border="0">
<frame name="Left" src="left.html" marginwidth="10" marginheight="10" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0">
<frame name="Main" src="main.html" marginwidth="10" marginheight="10" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0">
all 3 have frameborder="0" which seemed to do the job. Perhaps trying these will help?
scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" (although mine didn't use those settings and look rather gap-free to me)
User 355448 Photo

3,144 posts


That works, but throws up a red flag at validation. According to w3c, there is no border attribute, and w3schools does not show a border attribute. I am still hoping to get the look I want and a validation.
User 132952 Photo

3,120 posts

Vali-what? :P This is where your experience in validation is more helpful as that portion of design hasn't been my concern (yet). If I can see it, good 'nuf.
User 463058 Photo

1,076 posts
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Here are a couple different methods you can take a look at which don't use frames or iframes. Paul O'Brien came up with them.
User 355448 Photo

3,144 posts


WOW!! I haven't had a chance to study the code, but it is XHTML and it validates. Best of all, it looks like it will do exactly what I want done.

Thank you.
User 355448 Photo

3,144 posts

Adam R. wrote:
Vali-what? :P This is where your experience in validation is more helpful as that portion of design hasn't been my concern (yet). If I can see it, good 'nuf.


Before I found CoffeeCup and these forums, I found another set of forums. I asked a question about a problem I was having, and the response was something along the lines of VALIDATE AND THEN ASK YOUR QUESTION. Yes, I felt like I was being yelled at.

At that time, I had no idea what validation was, so I asked again and someone actually pasted a link of the validation results from my page, and I found the standards actually helped me. Now I always try to validate, and only have less than a handful of pages that do not validate.

I try to not PUSH validation, but just provide what help I can. I would hate to become the guy that drives someone away from web sites just because they don't know the LAW. ;)
User 132952 Photo

3,120 posts

I think this is a good representation of many designers.
Notice the smallest slice, how fitting for this discussion. :P
User 355448 Photo

3,144 posts

Cary wrote:

Here are a couple different methods you can take a look at which don't use frames or iframes. Paul O'Brien came up with them.


I used the code to get the page working, and of course I made some modifications. I see that one of the main features is to have the middle disappear below the top and bottom background.

Now all I have to do is find a way to get my anchors to work. If I create an anchor, the design of the anchor is to place the anchor at the top of the browser window. I need to get the anchor to appear down the browser window by the amount of the top display (in my case about 200px).

I have certainly learned something more about CSS from this page. Here is my current result (the only anchor link working is the first one): … scroll.php

I have the bottom working properly, but I have commented out the background for the TOP so that I could see what was happening with my anchor.

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