JAVA Help - Post ID 626

User 47216 Photo

Registered User
210 posts

I am working on fixing a website for my organization. Someone started and never finished the project.

They have a Javascript at the top of the page that allows the words: Trenton Emergency Medical Service - Professional, Dedicated etc to fade in at the top of the web page. You can see this at: When I set up another page and placed it into a different folder to better organize the site's pages the script isnt working. I am assume because I placed it into a different folder other than the main web directory. I thought I set everything up properly but I still cannot get it to work. You can see the page not working at:

Any help would greatly be appreciated
User 417741 Photo

Registered User
5 posts

Both pages looks ok to me in Firefox2.0.0.8 and IE 7, in my configuration.

If you have fixed the problem please tell us.
User 47216 Photo

Registered User
210 posts

Yes I did get it fixed thanks - was missing a flash text file in need of being copied into the respective directories. I am having another Java problem that I just posted here... … 143#p34143

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