Form works in Firefox but not in...

User 400908 Photo

Registered User
67 posts

I am open to suggestions: -- this form works in Firefox but not in Explorer -- its totally maddening. Any suggestions welcomed.
Isabel Smith
Isabel Smith Art and Design
Web and Graphic Design, Illustration and Calligraphy, Pet Paintings too!
User 132952 Photo

3,120 posts

It seems the form doesn't like to load in that code used to load it. I've typically used an iframe to load the forms and haven't seen this method before. The form loads fine from its original source (websiteloading) in IE. Hmm...
User 37670 Photo

Registered User
2,138 posts

Hi. I had a look at your page, and the problem might not be the form (just a guess, I will explain). In your code, you have the regular things like <head> <meta> <link rel="stylesheet.. and then you close the </head> tag, and open the <body> tag. After that, you introduce a javascript, inside of another <head> (javascript) </head> tag. Having the <head> tag twice in a web page can mess things up for the entire page. Try removing the second <head></head> tag and move your java code into the original <head> </head> tag section.

The other problem can simply be forgeting to upload the swfobject.js file, which is needed to load the form. Chech that all files created with the form editor have been uploaded to your server.
E-Learning Specialist is my website, and yes, some of it is crappy.

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