File structure for files published to...

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Publishing instructions say to upload everything in the [exported] folder. Does this mean the [exported] folder itself should be uploaded, with all its files and folders, or should I upload only the subfolders and files contained within the [uploaded] folder to public.html? Thanks
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William Metcalf wrote:
Publishing instructions say to upload everything in the [exported] folder. Does this mean the [exported] folder itself should be uploaded, with all its files and folders, or should I upload only the subfolders and files contained within the [uploaded] folder to public.html? Thanks

When you choose export (manual) you choose a location to export to,, once Web-form-builder has put the files in the location you chose,, it gives you the instruction to "open folder in explorer" when you click that,, it opens with a folder (form name) and a (form-name).php file

Those are the two things you place into the root of your site. (or into the folder that contains the page where the form is located (separate from root)

The code (above the open folder instructions) that it says copy to clipboard (iframe stuff) you place in your PAGE where you want the form to appear

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William Metcalf wrote:
Publishing instructions say to upload everything in the [exported] folder. Does this mean the [exported] folder itself should be uploaded, with all its files and folders, or should I upload only the subfolders and files contained within the [uploaded] folder to public.html? Thanks

Yes upload only the files and directory's within the myformname_exported and not the actual myformname_exported.
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User 304640 Photo

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With files uploaded as indicated I get this error (xxxx replaces my file name here). Note the reference to the "exported" folder, which does not exist on the server:

Not Found
The requested URL /XXXX-contact_exported/xxx-contact.php was not found on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

The "contact.php file DOES exist in the Public_html folder but is not found.

Other quirks:

On a desktop form page (not from a template) the simple form is very small and shoved up into the top-left corner, as though no break-point for larger screens has been implemented. It displays better on an iPhone, but only because it takes up more screen space.

The error code above is generated on the desktop after clicking the "I am not a robot" checkbox in reCAPTCHA, followed by the "Submit" button. No picture test is brought up. On an iPhone I am taken to the photo ID page, then after "verify," clicking the "Submit" button generates the error code.
User 103173 Photo

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You are not supposed to upload the _exported folder. You are to upload only the CONTENTS of that folder.
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User 304640 Photo

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The first time around I uploaded the entire exported folder. Wayan Jaya made it a little clearer as to the exact content to upload (thanks). Anyway, the error indicated is generated when the correct file structure is in place as instructed. I have erased everything from the server several times and regenerated and uploaded the publishing info, I have also re-inserted the page code several times to make sure everything was current. So, why the error code reference to the "exported" folder? And why is the reCAPTCHA code responding differently on different devices?
User 103173 Photo

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William Metcalf wrote:
The first time around I uploaded the entire exported folder. Wayan Jaya made it a little clearer as to the exact content to upload (thanks). Anyway, the error indicated is generated when the correct file structure is in place as instructed. I have erased everything from the server several times and regenerated and uploaded the publishing info, I have also re-inserted the page code several times to make sure everything was current. So, why the error code reference to the "exported" folder? And why is the reCAPTCHA code responding differently on different devices?

I would need to see the form online to offer any comments there.
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User 304640 Photo

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Here is a link, being used for testing. click the 'CONTACT" button on the menu bar:
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
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That is not the markup we provide you. All our markup uses relative paths and would never contain anything that references "_exported". Looks like you made some modifications which is why it is all busted.

What you have to do is export your form and upload the contents of that to your server. On that export dialog in WFB, that markup you then paste into your page.
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User 304640 Photo

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Thanks Scott. In the CC code on my contact-html page I see the many references to the "exported" folder. This is why I have deleted and re-created everything. Can't figure out why the code generated for insertion is retaining this path. Would you suggest perhaps creating an entirely new form and starting from scratch? The only change I made to the code was to add a <div> at the bottom of the page to include a link back to the index page.

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