A form does not appears in WordPress...

User 2106076 Photo

Registered User
13 posts


So, I have created a form on Web Form Builder, and it is in the below page:


I have used the code one user of this forum provides me in the past, because the code provided by the software after the form export does not runs on WordPress. I used the below code on the WordPress page:

"<script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[
document.write(unescape("%3Ciframe src=\contato.html\" width=\"452\" height=\"1029\"allowtransparency=\"true\" scrolling=\"no\" frameborder=\"0\"%3E&lt;a href=\"contato.php\" title=\"contato\"&gt;Check out my CoffeeCup Form&lt;/a&gt;%3C/iframe%3E")); // ]]&gt;
// ]]></script>"

The form is OK and running, and I upload all the files and folders of it to my public_html folder, which is the folder where WordPress is installed. The form can be seen here:


But, I can't embed it on my WP page, again. :(

Could someone help me, please? :)

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