Two problems: 1) Chronologic and 2)...

User 1524122 Photo

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25 posts

Good morning,

I've embedded the calendar into a VSD webpage [ see … endar.html ] and have encountered a few problems...

1. On the version of the calendar which I upload, the events fall into correct date/time sort order. However, once uploaded, the events shift around. On Tuesday, the 6:30pm event shows before the 6am event. I tried moving the thread of events to a different day... then back... to see if that would clear the problem. No go!! They do fall into the right order on Thursday, though. Suggestions??

2. In the HTML code, you can specify a start/stop date for the calendar (now set as...

var maxdate=new Date("12/01/2013");

var mindate=new Date("12/01/2012");

...If you have events on the calendar BEYOND the maxdate, those calendars and events appear. For example, the current maxdate is 12/1/2013, but calendars are on the page through 4/14.

3. This may be a VSD question... and if no one here knows the answer I'll redirect it there... The 'links' to other webpages, etc, on the page work fine until clicked. Once clicked, they turn BLACK (there's NO black in any of my defaults... that I know of... and they work fine on the home page). As being black, they're still there... but since it's now black on a black background, they appear visually to disappear. Any suggestions on that one?!

Thank you, in advance, for your help/comments.

User 187934 Photo

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That does seem weird that the events with the earlier start times aren't in the same position on all dates.
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User 400784 Photo

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I have been experiencing the same problem with the chronological order of times. I have tried switching the events and re-entering them but this didn't work so started another calendar from fresh to rule out user conflict from too much editing and deleting.

Events entered in the software are okay (see attached PDF of my screen below) but switch places in the preview screen and when uploaded. Click the link below and scroll to Mar-13 so you can see that it occurs on all days of the week. … endar.html

The only option setting I changed was the default to use the UK date format. :/
User 2147626 Photo

2,958 posts

The Calendar is sorting based on the Event Name, not on the times. I would open a support ticket on this and see if cc can modify the program. As a temporary fix, try adding a number or letting before or after the Event Name and see if that helps. It did for me.
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User 187934 Photo

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CC is aware of the problem as I reported this just recently.:) I don't know when a fix will be implemented.:)
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)

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