We want your ideas, suggestions, and comments about CoffeeCup Web Calendar . So tell us: How can we make the software even better? Remember, our products are here for you guys, so we want to make them the very best we can 

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I would like to see ability to add hyperlinks and also a list view. I currently use Google calendar but would switch to CoffeeCup with these features, especially the hyperlink ability.
I could use a reservations calendar for Electric Bike Rentals at my shop.
Perhaps a combo of web calendar and web forms is needed for me to do this?
I would like customers to be able to reserve bikes with the online calendar, then be linked to my cart to make a deposit.
Also calendar app should send me a notification with details of reservation.
thanks for listening.
Perhaps a combo of web calendar and web forms is needed for me to do this?
I would like customers to be able to reserve bikes with the online calendar, then be linked to my cart to make a deposit.
Also calendar app should send me a notification with details of reservation.
thanks for listening.
Adjustable font choice and size. Example calendar page shows tiny print - it is difficult to see . Add other features like: 1) Current date highlighted. Whole box highlighted. 2) Erase all appointments by month, week, day. 3) Mouseover over a "day" shows content of appointments for the day in a larger window. 4) Theme editing. I need music themes. 5) Hyperlinks in the previous post, is a good idea. 6) Copy text from other docs like Word or LiveMail so I do not have to retype content.
More and more people want to access ther calendar from a smart phone. Will it have ability? Have not used the current one but I have several people who use the google calendar but it has some draw backs. It should be at least as good.
There is a calendar app called brownbear at this location http://www.brownbearsw.com/calcium/WhatIsIt.html I have a couple of users who love it. Look at it and see what features your new one might be lacking. Like I said I have yet to use the new one but at this price I will check it out as another alternative choice for my clients.
There is a calendar app called brownbear at this location http://www.brownbearsw.com/calcium/WhatIsIt.html I have a couple of users who love it. Look at it and see what features your new one might be lacking. Like I said I have yet to use the new one but at this price I will check it out as another alternative choice for my clients.
Bill Patterson
1. Sports related themes (i.e., baseball). 2. Image insertion in header footer (banner size?) Both would allow users to build a whale-of-a-calendar and highly customize it to their organization with images of their kids, buildings, fields, etc. Currently is only possible if you spend time editing default month_background.png which is probably not a user friendly function and may not carryforward with additional theme rollouts.
OK just downloaded and first impression is that it is nice and simple and you can enter links in the description area BUT they open in the same size as the calendar window. There should be an option to have links open in a new window...or the option to be able to edit the html after the calendar is published.
The other first impression item is the time and title of the item shows in the calendar day but they are not separated....example 10:00 amDelivery of new TV. If you go in to the editor and remember to place a space at the beginning of the event it will then showup OK...or better yet a "-" This should be automatic and what character could be listed in preferences.
One of the other suggestions would be to have the event showup on a simple mouseover OR double click...obviously a double click would "stick" it open in a popup.
The other first impression item is the time and title of the item shows in the calendar day but they are not separated....example 10:00 amDelivery of new TV. If you go in to the editor and remember to place a space at the beginning of the event it will then showup OK...or better yet a "-" This should be automatic and what character could be listed in preferences.
One of the other suggestions would be to have the event showup on a simple mouseover OR double click...obviously a double click would "stick" it open in a popup.
Bill Patterson
What about an option to Sync it with a Google calendar of choice? The API's are available, technology proven - and it would be a great way to update the web - even from a mobile device....

I have had Web calendar for a while now and use it on several websites. Some of the featuers that I would really like are:
1) More options for recurring events (Repeat). At present I have been unable to use this feature at all.
- In the current implementation daily is fine. I just don't have any events that repeat daily.
- Weekly needs to allow the ability to select multiple days of the week such as "Every Monday and Friday".
- Monthly currently only allows for events that repeat on the same date each month. All of the repeating events in my calendars repeat based on day of the week like "The first Friday" or "The first and third Wednesday" Currently I have to enter the repeating events manually because they all repeat based on day of week.
- Yearly needs to be like Monthly and allow something like "The first Friday in March". It should also allow multiple repeats like "Second Wed. every other month.
- and ... It would be nice to have a "Custom Repeat" feature that would pop up a small Calendar and let me select the dates for the repeat.
(I am attaching screen shots of a program I use that I believe has done repeating calendar enteies very well.)
2) Event Display on Calendars - It would be nice to be able to change the color and font for a specific event.
3) Since I use the calendars on several different websites, it would be nice to have a way to do that easily. Currently for Website "A" I select the Calendar for "A" then pich the Theme I am useing for "A", then select the Export options I am useing for website "A" and publish it. Then for website "B" I have to do this all again. This isn't hard, but I find that I do frequently make errors and have to redo my exports. Someway to provide smoother support for multiple websites and / or multiple calendars on a single website would be great.
1) More options for recurring events (Repeat). At present I have been unable to use this feature at all.
- In the current implementation daily is fine. I just don't have any events that repeat daily.
- Weekly needs to allow the ability to select multiple days of the week such as "Every Monday and Friday".
- Monthly currently only allows for events that repeat on the same date each month. All of the repeating events in my calendars repeat based on day of the week like "The first Friday" or "The first and third Wednesday" Currently I have to enter the repeating events manually because they all repeat based on day of week.
- Yearly needs to be like Monthly and allow something like "The first Friday in March". It should also allow multiple repeats like "Second Wed. every other month.
- and ... It would be nice to have a "Custom Repeat" feature that would pop up a small Calendar and let me select the dates for the repeat.
(I am attaching screen shots of a program I use that I believe has done repeating calendar enteies very well.)
2) Event Display on Calendars - It would be nice to be able to change the color and font for a specific event.
3) Since I use the calendars on several different websites, it would be nice to have a way to do that easily. Currently for Website "A" I select the Calendar for "A" then pich the Theme I am useing for "A", then select the Export options I am useing for website "A" and publish it. Then for website "B" I have to do this all again. This isn't hard, but I find that I do frequently make errors and have to redo my exports. Someway to provide smoother support for multiple websites and / or multiple calendars on a single website would be great.
Ditto everything here. Would love to use it ... but:
1. Is it HTML5 (or Flash?)
2. Can it be placed on a page via a "custom html" widget - or must addional files be uploaded via FTP? If FTP, can the files be referenced from any server?
2. It would be a killer app if it had a user backend where site visitors could confirm attendance, add events etc - perhaps a one-click link to easily integrate with WAM.
3. URLs opening in new, full size new windows a must.
If you can answer via this Topic, I'm sure there are others who'd be interested in your answers and could then make a decision to buy now.
1. Is it HTML5 (or Flash?)
2. Can it be placed on a page via a "custom html" widget - or must addional files be uploaded via FTP? If FTP, can the files be referenced from any server?
2. It would be a killer app if it had a user backend where site visitors could confirm attendance, add events etc - perhaps a one-click link to easily integrate with WAM.
3. URLs opening in new, full size new windows a must.
If you can answer via this Topic, I'm sure there are others who'd be interested in your answers and could then make a decision to buy now.
Steven Phillips
The Content King
The Content King
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