Fine and Replace But no Undo? - Post...

User 1904343 Photo

Trial User
11 posts

I am finding in the newest version of Coffeecup there is no undo allowed after a "find and replace" command is made. This is a drag. What advantage is there to not allowing an undo after this?

I would hope this feature would be re-implemented for future versions, or at least a preference somewhere where you can turn the undo on and off. Is there anyway to go back to an older version of Coffeecup that does have this after an upgrade?

User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

For now, save your work before you do a search and replace. This way you can load your work from a saved copy before you do this. Unfortunately this is how the search and replace has worked in all versions of the Editor so far and it is something that we plan on changing in a future version.
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User 1904343 Photo

Trial User
11 posts

In past versions this was not the case, try it in the last version :) I used to use the undo after a "find and replace" all the time. Not sure why this was there a way I can go back to the last version of coffee cup?

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