How to upload your sitemap to S-Drive...

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Sitemapper has not been updated for direct uploading to S-Drive. Not to worry though, we are working on this now and hope to have that addressed later this year. To place your sitemap within any S-Drive account, you simply need to upload all the files Sitemapper exported with our Direct or Free FTP program. Just connect to S-Drive and place the sitemap.xml file inside of your sites folder and you are ready to go!
Sitemapper defaults to non secure when you put in the url if you add S to the http it will give the https on the file scan results. I had not used it in so long years that I had to relearn. These instructions are old and its been years I'm sure since the year to go for uploading to s-drive from sitemapper. I'm going to upload my xml file now
My CC S-drive site

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